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Just wanna remind you sentences in italics are her thoughts
It has been a week and still, we haven't heard anything about the killer. Mom flipped out when she heard about me walking all alone and grounded me for one week. "but mom.....that's not fair. It's not like I knew there was a killer on loose" I complained to her. "Who asked you to walk alone at night? You know its dangerous for a girl to walk alone at night these days" she reasoned with me. I huffed and went back to my room.

Now since the week is over, my grounding is also over and that means I can go to my favourite ice-cream shop again. After school, Sam and I went to the ice cream shop. We went up to the counter, I ordered my usual cookie n' cream while Sam ordered cotton candy. "How can you eat that?" I asked with disgust. "Well, unlike someone who only orders something if there is chocolate in it, I have a wide variety of taste," she said smirking. 'How dare she disgraces the love of my life, my precious chocolate, this means war' I thought wickedly. I turned towards her and asked her calmly "did you finish eating your ice cream?''
"Yep, why?"
"I will give you ten seconds, you better run or else..."
She didn't even let me complete my sentence, she ran out of the shop and I started running behind her.

After a few seconds I stopped running to catch my breath, dammit I forgot she was in the track team. I started walking this time instead of running, meh let her think that I'm running behind her. I'll just go home.

As I was walking back to the ice cream shop as I forgot to take my bag, I heard something moving behind the building. I got curious and went towards the back of the building. I saw nothing there and was about to go back when I saw something under one of the bushes.

My mind was telling me to not to go there but my body was in some kind of autopilot mode. It moved on its own towards the bushes. As I neared it I saw a shoe lying near to the bush. I heart started beating fast and slowly I moved the bush to aside.

I screamed so loudly that I was surprised to know that I had that much sound in me. Mr.Wilbur was unconscious on the ground, he had a large gash on his head and blood was flowing profusely. I started panicking but tried to keep it under control. I called 911 and did what they asked me to do. I pressed my finger to his neck to see if there is any pulse and thank god there was a faint pulse.

After a few minutes, the ambulance came and took him to the hospital. There were a few policemen searching the premises to see if there is any evidence. One policeman came towards me and told, "Hey kid I'm gonna ask some questions and then you can go home. Ok?" I nodded. He asked me some questions like why I was there and if I saw something unusual and so on. After that he let me go home.

When I reached home, I saw my mom's expression and knew a big lecture was coming this way. But to my surprise, she hugged me tightly that my air supply was cut off. "Don't you dare scare me like that ever again. Got it" "yes mom. Got it" I reassured her.

When I reached my room I was tackled to the ground by someone. "You idiot what the hell were you thinking. You were supposed to run behind me you stupid head" she screamed to my ears. "you and I know that it's never gonna happen. And you don't have to freak out so much, it's not me who got hurt ok" I told her. "I was so scared when I heard that you found Mr. wilbur wounded. I thought the killer might kill you too" she said. "Look at me I'm fine. Stop freaking out. Let's have a sleepover tonight. The deal" I asked her. "Deal" she replied with a big smile

So that's the new chapter.
I don't know why I always update it late.
Anyway, what do you think about this chapter?
Pls vote and comment.

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