Chapter 1: Adoption

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Hilo! Dusty here! I'm going to be writing a book of Septiplier magicalness and fluff. I'm hoping it'll be good but I'm not sure how to start the book. The beginning might be rough but it'll get better!

Jack's P.O.V.


" Dad?" I whispered, tears streaming down my cheeks.

I looked at the beer bottles streamed around the room. I huddled in the corner, my 7 year old self shuddering in the cold apartment. My drunken father held up a knife to my mothers throat. He smiled devilishly as he pressed closer into her flesh, blood trickling down her neck.

" Please." she begged, tears pouring from her eyes.

My dad slit her throat and she fell to the floor. I screamed.

" Mom, mom." I cried over her fallen body.

I looked up at my sickly father. He swigged down some more beer. I tried to bring myself up to face him. I was only seven years old, my mother just murdered in front of me, about to have myself killed too.

" You foolish child." my father spat.

He slashed the knife down my cheek. She slapped me and cut and sliced me even more. I winced and tears poured out of my soft, blue eyes. Blood soaked my clothes. I ran outside, police lights blinding my eyes. A man scooped me up and placed me in an ambulance. I gripped the sides of the bed as the world spun and everything went black.

~ Present Day ~

" I've finally been adopted! " I though to myself.

I was now 16 years old and someone finally adopted me. I somehow made it from Ireland to America. A family named the Linstrom family adopted me. They had a boy that was about my age. Hopefully we could get to know each other. I was practically bouncing out of my skin, just waiting for them to pick me up. Finally, a red Honda pulled up. I grabbed my bags and hustled out the door. My smile fell as I saw the boy that was going to be my ' brother '. He had his face in a DSI. I saw my new parents and I got a little happier. I popped in the car and slipped on my belt. I have a good feeling about what was going to happen.

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