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After a few hours wondering around I learned that I probably died and this is what I became a slime that doesn't eat. I am going to miss eating, and I still have no idea where I am......

???: "Would like to purchase [Appraisal] lv 1 for 100 Skill Points"

Great that voice inside my head is talking to me, but having appraisal wouldn't be a bad thing to have. I mean every light novel and manga I have read usually the MC has appraisal on their  adventure, so I think I'm going to get it.

Y/N: "Yes please"

???: [Appraisal] lv 1 obtain: Current skill points 49,800

Wow I have a lot of skill point but right now let's use appraisal. let's see let's use appraisal on the wall.

Appraisal: <WALL>

Okay... I bounce over to a ledge, and decided to use appraisal again

Appraisal: <Deer><Deer><Deer><Deer><Deer><Deer><Deer><Deer><Deer><Deer><Deer><Deer><Deer><Deer><Deer><Deer><Deer><Deer><Bat><Bat><Bat><Bat><Bat><Bat><Bat><Bat><Bat>
(A/N yes I basically did like what Wakaba did in the light novel when she used appraisal I thought it would be funny)

Ouch this is hurting me stop stop STOP!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!

???: [Appraisal] lv 1 has become [Appraisal] lv 2

Alright lv 2 great the pain was worth it I guess, let me just use it on myself.

Appraisal: {Slime}lv 1- no name

Lv 1? UGH I'm weak......I need to get strong this calls for a TRAINING MONTAGE!!!

Somewhere at an Magic Academy

???: "Congratulations on your admittance. You all will be carrying the future of this nation, so you must hone yourselves, mentally and physically, showing kindness to strangers and deferences to your parents...fostering friendship with your peers, as you pursue your studies in the scholarly and cultural arts.

around the hall student where eating and talking getting to know one another.

???: "See that guy? Apparently he's Schlain Zagan Analeit, a prince of this country."

???: "I heard he was a prodigy, but he doesn't look all that strong."

???" I wonder if there's a way to get close to him."

A girl with beautiful red hair leaned over to the prince of the country with a baby dragon on his shoulders

???: "You're a hit with the ladies"

Schlain: "Stop teasing me"

Baby Dragon: *Cute rawr*

???: "And isn't that lady next to him Karnatia Seri Anabald, the duke's daughter?"

???: "She's a prodigy, too, isn't she?"

???: "She's the duke's daughter, a prodigy, and incredibly cute!"

???: "She's definitely pretty."

Schlain: ""Incredibly cute," she said" he teases

Karnatia: "Oh, give me a break" she walks away over to a seat to sit (obvi)*

An blond elf with pigtails walks over to Schlain and Karnatia.

???: "Congratulations to you both on your acceptance!" she smiles

Karnatia: "Oh, Oka-chan"

Oka: *waves her finger in a no-no position*"Don't address you teacher with a "chan"!" Karnatia nervous laughs.

Oka: *smiles and leans over to the baby dragon* "Good to see you again Fei"

Oka takes a seat next to Karnatia and pets Fei. From a few feet away a girl with light blue hair was watching this interaction.

Schlain: "But you're a new student here yourself teacher"

Oka: "Yeah I guess so" *laughs*

Schlain: "It's weird thinking of our teacher as a student"

Oka: "You think so?"

The girl with light blue hair starts walking towards the trio

Oka: Come on, Shun, sit down!"

Schlain: "Wh-Whoa..."

Oka: "I get to experience things along with you guys, like studying and falling in love. it's like getting to relive my youth! I'm excited!"

the light blue hair girl stops right in front of Oka with a glare.

Oka: *nervous* "Uh...what's the matter?"

The light blue hair girl still glaring at Oka getting even madder.

Schlain: *gets up from the chair* "Hey Sue! What are you doing?!"

The light blue hair girl named Sue pulls away from Oka, but still looking mad.

Shun: "Sorry, teacher. This is my younger sister, Sue"

(A/n I got tried of writing Schlain)

Oka: *excited* "Really?!" Whoa-who she gets off of the chair and walks around Sue "Hmm...Not bad at all"

Sue: *get nervous and runs behind her big brother* "Nii-sama, who is this creepy girl?" she point to Oka

Karnatia: "Sue, this is Filimos, she's an elf, and she'll be learning with us at school. Shun and I have met her before. She looks young, but she just ages slowly because she's an elf she's actually the same age a us."

Oka: *smiles* "Nice to meet you!"

Sue: *looks away from Oka* "Likewise" *she turns to Karnatia* "Katia, are little girls like her the types my brother likes?"

Karnatia: "No, they're not. Relax. She's someone we can rely on, Shun is just showing her the respect she deserves."

Oka: "You two get along so well! A little too well, wouldn't you say? Shun, you haven't done anything weird to your little sister, have you?"

Shun: "Of course I haven't!!"

Oka: "Oh I know! Sue-chan, may I borrow these two for a moment?"

Karnatia and Shun look confused. Oka take the two with her to meet some people that they might know.

Shun: "Teacher...are the people you wanted us to meet?"

Oka: "They're exactly who you think, and there they are!"

Cliffhanger :3

Sorry if the writing style is weird I haven't written anything for a while and my brain is all mussy. Again sorry if this story is confusing. I will try to make aWakaba POV but for right now its going to be y/n op mc plot.

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