Ch. 35: The Trouble With Groupies

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Lily called me two days later.

"Okay, I've been doing some digging into whoever might have leaked your name to the press, and I've come across a couple of possibilities," she said.

"Wait, what?" I put her on speaker and beckoned Finn over.

He came from the kitchen, a bag of tortilla chips in one hand, and plopped onto the sofa beside me.

"If Izzy wasn't behind it then I want to know who the fuck is it, and I bet you guys do too," Lily said.

Finn's expression darkened. "You could say that."

"Have you guys been keeping on top of all the gossip?" Lily asked.

"Absolutely not," I said.

"I won't go into the gory details then, but you won't be surprised that people are still talking about this." Lily's voice turned derisive. "The rumour about the love triangle between you, Finn, and Penny is proving to be pretty popular."

"Don't people think that if we were in a love triangle, Penny wouldn't have posted about being confused by all this?" I said.

"Well, she has posted more about it recently," Lily said.

I started to ask what Penny had said, then decided I didn't want to know. Not yet anyway. Whatever it was, it would likely have whipped her fans up even more, and I wasn't in the mood for more insults and death threats.

"Anyway, there have been a slew of articles about this the last couple of days," Lily said.

"Is Izzy Rollins associated with any of them?" Finn asked.

"Not that I've found."

Finn grinned and pointed a chip at me. "Looks like your threat worked."

"Wait, what threat?" Lily asked.

"I'll explain later," I said. "Tell me about the names you found."

"They were named as sources a couple of times, but I want to warn you that we're talking real tabloid trash here, so I don't know how accurate their information is," Lily said.

"Tell us," Finn said.

"Tanya Harding and Shellie Lewis," Lily said. "Do either of those names mean anything to you?"

Finn shook his head, frowning, but I paused, something sparking in my head.

"Say that first one again," I said.

"Tanya Harding," Lily repeated. "You recognise it?"

"I'm not sure."

"Finn?" Lily asked, and I found a moment to marvel at how easily she spoke to him, as if he was just any old guy and not Finn fucking Donovan.

"Nope," he said, dropping a tortilla chip into his mouth.

"Wait," I said, grabbing Finn's arm and making him drop his next chip. "Tanya, not Tina."

He stared blankly at me.

"Cole's groupie," I said, impatiently gesticulating. "He called her Tina, but she said her name was Tanya, remember?"

Finn's expression cleared. "You're right. But how the fuck would she know about you?"

I was still missing something obvious, but I couldn't think.

"Okay, I'm going to call Jude and find out if that's the same woman," Finn said. He climbed off the sofa and moved towards the kitchen.

"I'll talk to you later, Lily," I said. "And thanks."

"Happy to help. Let me know what happens," she said.

Finn was already on the phone when I joined him, and I could faintly hear Jude's voice on the other end.

"You're absolutely sure?" Finn said.

"Pretty sure, but I was more worried about Cole at the time," Jude said.

"Talk us through what happened."

"I got to Cole's, let myself in, checked his vitals, and then tried to calm the woman down. She gave me her name, I managed to get her stop crying while I checked her phone, and then I called her a taxi and sent her home. That's it," Jude said. "I sure as shit didn't say anything to her about Tasha." He hesitated. "Is there any way that you two could have done it yourselves somehow?"

Finn and I stared at each other, and I saw on his face the same dawning realisation that I felt.

"Cole saw me," I said.

"Shit," Finn breathed.

When Finn had answered Cole's video call, I'd been with him, close enough that Cole would have seen me too. We'd both grown so comfortable with each other that we'd forgotten to hide the fact that I was living here.

Tanya herself couldn't have seen me, not with her head buried in Cole's lap, but Cole must have done.

"He must have said something to her," I said.

Or else she'd heard me talking? Had I said anything while Finn was on the phone with Cole? I couldn't remember.

Jude had checked Tanya's phone for anything she could use, but it obviously hadn't occurred to him to question her about what she might have seen or overheard on the phone.

"We did this," I said.

There was a bitter taste in my mouth, and a heavy feeling in my stomach.

"But how the fuck did some groupie know who you are when she never saw your face?" Finn demanded.

"I've met Cole once before, at Jude's party," I said.

Finn scoffed. "You think he'd remember that?"

Considering that Cole had turned up to that party with Jude's ex as his date because he'd forgotten they were ever a thing, there was a good chance that he wouldn't.

Also, I'd probably looked very different that night, with my hair and makeup done, dressed in a cute outfit, not like I was now, bare-faced, hair pulled into a messy knot, wearing one of Finn's T-shirts.

It struck me again that there was a time when I'd rather have died than appear in front of Finn Donovan like this, scruffy and unpolished, wearing baggy, borrowed clothes, and now I didn't even think about it.

"Do you have another explanation?" Jude asked.

"And who's the other source? Shellie What's-her-face?" I said.

"Lewis," Finn supplied.

"Yeah, her."

"Never heard of her," Jude said. "But I'm going to guess she's another of Cole's groupies."

Finn and I exchanged another look. His eyes were dark, his jaw tight.

"I think I need to have a chat with Cole," he said.

"Good luck," Jude said.

While Finn called Cole, I googled Shellie Lewis and got back several hits. The plump elderly woman was unlikely to be Cole's type, nor was the scowling middle-aged frump with the glasses that didn't suit her. But the twenty-something pouty blonde with the tits bursting out of her tank top? Yeah, that could be her.

I tuned back into what Finn was saying.

"Seriously? You fucked her and you can't even remember her name?" he snapped into the phone.

"Like you can remember everyone you fucked over the years," Cole shot back. His voice was clearer than the last time I'd heard it; maybe he was sober for once.

Finn shot me an apologetic look, and I smiled and shook my head. I knew he was no saint, and I'd guessed that he must have racked up an impressive number of notches on his bedpost, but that was in the past. Camden had faced the same thing with Jude.

I held up my phone so Finn could see the photo I'd Googled.

"Hold on, I'm switching to video," he told Cole.

I made sure I stayed out of eyesight, although it was too late for that now.

Finn took my phone and held it in front of the screen. "Is this her?" he said.

There was a moment's silence which I assumed was Cole studying the photo.

"Oh, her," he said. "Yeah, she was round recently. Don't remember when, though."

"Do you remember anything you said to her?" Finn asked.

"I don't bring these girls around for a conversation." Cole laughed, but it was a hollow, empty sound.

Finn rolled his eyes. "Cole, do you have any idea what's been going on lately?"

No response.

Finn glanced at me again, a look in his eyes that suggested he was bracing himself for something.

I had no idea what he was about to say but I trusted him.

"Do you know who's living with me right now?" Finn said.

Another long pause.

"Wait, there was that girl," Cole said. "The last time you called me, there was a girl with you."

"I didn't call you. You called me," Finn reminded him.

"She was hot," Cole carried on, as if Finn hadn't said anything.

Finn's eyes flicked to me, softening slightly.

"He's right. I am hot," I mouthed.

"I know," he mouthed back. "Did you tell anyone that she was here?" he said to Cole.

"Dunno. Maybe? Why?" Cole said.

"Do you know who she is?"

"Should I?"

I tapped out a question on my phone and showed it to Finn.

"If you knew her name, would you have told anyone?" Finn said, reading my question to Cole.

I heard a faint scritch-scritch that might have been Cole scratching his head. "Like, if she was famous?"


"Is she?" Cole asked.

It wasn't an easy question to answer. Before all this fucking drama, I'd have said no. Oh sure, some people would have known my name because of my famous brother-in-law and now-famous sister, and maybe some paparazzi might have sniffed around for something to fill minor gossip columns, but nothing like what was happening now.

"Give me the phone," I said.

"You sure?" Finn asked.

"My name's already out there. It makes no difference telling Cole now," I said.

Finn handed me the phone.

Cole stared back at me from the screen. His brown hair was a rumpled mess, either like he'd been running his fingers through it, or he'd just dragged himself out of bed after a wild night.

"Hi, Cole," I said.

"Hi, stranger."

"We've actually met once," I said.

He frowned. "We have?"

"In Jude's loft, when he had that party for Camden. You remember?"

His blank look said not. I wasn't sure if he just didn't remember me, or the whole event.

"I'm Camden's sister," I said.

Cole's eyes widened. "No way." He smiled, not the drunken thing I'd seen at that party, but something real and warm and it transformed his whole face, chasing away some of that faded cynicism. "Great to meet you," he said.

"We've already met."

"Right, right." Cole scratched his chin.

"You don't remember, do you? It's okay, be honest," I said.

Cole grimaced. "I don't, sorry," he admitted. "That was a crazy night."

At least he remembered it, even if not fully.

"You don't remember my name, then?" I pressed.

Cole winced. "Something beginning with P?"

"Not even close," I said.

"Shit, sorry."

"It's fine, I'm not worried about that. I just want to know if you told anyone who I was. Did you recognise me at all when you saw me with Finn?"

Cole shook his head.

"So even if you told your groupies that Finn had a girl living with him, you wouldn't have been able to tell them who that girl was?" I said.

Another shake of his head.

Finn took the phone back. "Why the fuck would you tell your trashy groupies anything about my personal life, Cole?"

Cole lowered his eyes, looking like a kicked dog. "I don't know. I don't remember doing it," he said quietly.

"Well, you did, and now you've brought down a complete fucking shitstorm on Tasha, so thanks for that," Finn snapped.

"Tasha?" Cole said.

Finn closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "That's her name, Cole," he said. "That's her fucking name."

"I didn't know. And whatever I've done, I didn't mean to," Cole protested.

"You never mean to. Every time you fuck something up you never mean to, yet you still do it, over and over and fucking over," said Finn bitterly.

He stabbed his finger at the screen, ending the call, then tossed the phone onto the counter.

"Fuck's sake," he muttered, running his palm over his hair.

"At least now we know where the rumours started," I said.

"Yeah," Finn said, but his face was bleak. "But we still don't know who leaked your name."

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