68: Rock Bottom is An Actual Place

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I scanned the "Rock Bottom Bar" carefully, feeling right at home.

There was the obligatory drunk old guy at the edge of the bar who used to be tough once upon a time and had since graduated to just yelling at people and practically living on peanuts and alcohol. A couple of normal looking chicks were at the pool table, one of them slightly heavier than her friend in a perfectly normal way that I hadn't realized I had missed seeing. She was pretty, had a nice curvy figure and definitely knew how to rock the cleavage. Her friend was the standard skinny chick, model thin and not as pretty, but you could tell she definitely thought she was the pretty one, with her long dirty blonde hair and slightly slutty makeup. A couple of guys were at the bar talking to the bartender, and they all looked so damn normal.

I didn't care at that moment if they had all turned out to be hipsters. They were all real normal people and I had actually missed this reality, because this was what normal people did. They came out with their friends and got drunk and told stupid jokes and just enjoyed themselves. Maybe the occasional fight would break out for whatever reason, like the fight that broke out at the table next to me as I walked in.

It was like coming down off that cloud of reality and realizing at the same time that you were a god among mortals.

I looked around at all of the people, the regulars checking me out to see what kind of asshole I was, the randoms glancing right past me as they checked out the fight that was now happening behind me and I mentally counted the number of girls who were on their own.

I made eye contact with a redhead at the bar, noted that slight look of amusement on her face that challenged me, checked out the tattoos on her bare shoulders that her scrappy blouse allowed to show off, and made my decision. I nodded to the bartender as the guys at the bar parted to make way for me.

"Vodka on the rocks," I said.

"We don't got nothing fancy here," he said, and I realized he was looking at my slightly scuffed, but still very expensive suit.

I just shook my head. "As long as it's cheap, Russian and you might use it for paint thinner, I don't care."

"You're man after my heart," the bartender said approvingly, and poured me a glass of his cheapest moonshine substitute.

I glanced over at the redhead again and smiled. "Not your heart I'm after," I said as I sipped my drink. I slid a five across the bar and watched as some guy sidled over to the redhead and bought her a drink. I shook my head and squared my shoulders before I knew what I was thinking. I was a vampire goddammit. No shame, no pity.

The guy was chatting her up when I got over there. "So Jenny, what do you do for a living?"

I clapped Doofus on the shoulder and he looked up at me, startled.

"Fuck off buddy," I said. "You're in my space."

Doofus actually looked from me to Jenny, as if expecting her to save him. Poor guy just looked so confused. I almost felt sorry for him. Almost.

"What the fuck man?"

I smiled and didn't give him a chance to finish. I turned my back on him and slid between him and Jenny.

"Hey!" Doofus grabbed my shoulder and I swear my fist went up on its own. I just heard a wet smack and the sound of him collapsing behind me. Jenny was giving me her full attention, the 'what the fuck' look on her face saying everything it needed to. I was aware that the bartender was watching with some concern, trying to judge how far this fight was going to go. I could have told him not to worry: the fight was already over.

"Maybe he should have listened to you," Jenny said and I knew I had chosen well. Jenny was one of those pretty girls with a mean streak and she pretended that she wanted a nice guy in her life, but always ended up with the bad boys. Perfect.

"Oops." I shrugged. "He'll heal, eventually."

"Eventually," she agreed and reached up to take off my sunglasses. Her reaction to my eyes was worth it. She gasped and leaned closer as if expecting to see contact lenses. "Whoa! Are those for real?"

"All the way."

"You want to waste more time or you wanna get outta here?"

I love loose women.


It started with the sex of course. It was the kind of sex that started in the back of the taxi with a heavy makeout session where you're doing everything in your power to not get naked right there in the backseat. Jenny was surprisingly into it and had her hand down my pants for more than half the ride, while she ground her crotch against my leg. I could feel her burning for me even through the layers of clothing and wondered how far into her place we could make it before her panties were off and we were matching body parts.

The couch. We at least made it to the couch, leaving a trail of clothes from the door. There had been a desperate moment while we fumbled with the condom but then she had expertly slipped it on for me and then all bets were off.

It wasn't making love. This was not that kind of sex. This was the kind of sex of two people who just desperately wanted to fuck the shit out of each other. It was passionate and angry and frantic, all full of moans and vigorous thrusting that's designed to last for at least six minutes, max. She knew what she wanted, what we both wanted, and we fucked like there was no tomorrow, sucking each other's tongues and lips and then finally looking into each other's eyes as she started to orgasm, which of course got me all excited and that was the moment that she seemed to understand what it is that I really wanted, knew deep down what I was. She nodded desperately as she cried out her orgasm, and I sank my teeth into her neck, feeling for the first time as my fangs slid into place, small incisors be damned. The blood exploded in my mouth and I came at the same time.

The ecstasy of that moment as I swallowed that mouthful of blood, and pulled away from her neck, shuddering all over as the euphoria gripped me and the adrenaline of sex ebbed away...

Jenny grinned at me and touched the already clotting wound on her neck, a stunned look in her eye.

"You bit me," she said, but there was no surprise, just acceptance.

I shrugged, conscious that my fangs had already retreated. Holy shit! Talk about the effects of arousal! I wondered briefly if my fangs would pop out every time I got a hard-on, and suddenly realized just how easy puberty had been for me in comparison.

"Do you mind?" I asked and looked her in the eye, wondering what she was really thinking.

"Not at all," Jenny panted and smiled. "That was... amazing. Ready for round two?"

Sex on drugs is fucking amazing, but only sometimes. Now I could get into the details about how heroin affects the libido and is great at first but then you end up lasting too long and generally being bored, sore and chafing. That's just the cliff notes version and I won't get into the hour-long mindblowing orgasms and the truly freaky shit you can get up to, especially if both people involved are equally high. Truthfully though, if you want a fuck that will blow your mind then there are much better drugs, and I had found mine.

I stood there in the dark of Jenny's bedroom and looked at the curve of her naked body, inhaled the smell of sex and blood that still hung in the air and realized all at once that I could do this. I could survive and thrive, no matter what Harry and the other vampires thought of me.

I poured Jenny a glass of orange juice from her fridge and left it at the bedside table. I also left a note with my number and a smiley face, but somehow I knew that she would never call me, but I was okay with that.

******** AUTHOR'S NOTE **********

The book is now AVAILABLE in Hardcover, Paperback and Ebooks. It's going to live here free on Wattpad, but if you love the story and want to support your awesome author (me), grab a copy from one of the lovely retailers below. Who knows: maybe it can become a bestseller with the help of you lovely WattPadders

Amazon - http://bit.ly/Amazon-SIMBAV

iBooks - http://bit.ly/iBooks-SIMBAV

Barnes & Noble - http://bit.ly/BarnesNoble-SIMBAV

Indigo - http://bit.ly/Indigo-SIMBAV

Check out the website: http://www.bobthevampire.com

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