Break-Team Trio's Christmas Special

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Me: Yo minna! I'm sorry if my scheduled updates are REALLY late. I'm really busy preparing for Christmas and New year ^^

Toramaru: This isn't a story update. But since it's almost Christmas, onee-chan thought she should make a Christmas special for you to read!

Me: *nods* Me, Maru-chan and Akio-kun will be interviewing some special guests with Christmas-themed questions!

Fudou: And who are the poor saps, you might ask? Well, their non-other than the Break-Team Trio: Endou, Gouenji and Kidou-kun *smirks* this'll be fun.

Endou: Yeah! Sure is! I can't wait for it to start!

Gouenji: *looking around*

Kidou: What are you looking around for?

Gouenji: N-nothing *blush*

Toramaru: Don't worry Gouenji-san! I'm almost done putting up the mistletoe for you and onee-chan!

Me: M-Maru-chan?!*blush bright red*

Toramaru: *chuckles* don't act like you don't want it! Remember the special surprise at the last part of this chapter.

Fudou: Oh yeah... *smirks* I can't wait for it!

Gouenji: Why? What's so special about it?

Toramaru: You have to wait till the end of this chapter!

Kidou: If that's the case, then let's get this started. I can't wait to find out what will happen.

Me: A-Alright. U-uhm, let's s-start then...

Toramaru: Do you want me to ask the first question then?

Me: *too flustered to answer* *nods*

Toramaru: Alright then, here's the question: What do you usually do during Christmas?

Endou: Well... I usually hang around the kitchen and help mom prepare the food. Then I'd invite the whole team to a Christmas Party at our house! There, we'd all celebrate Christmas with all our family and friends!

Kidou: Me and my dad goes Christmas shopping and give the gifts to the kids at the orphanage where he adopted me. Then, we'd go to the Otonashi's place and spend Christmas there. My dad and Haruna's parents really get along.

Gouenji: Christmas is one of the holidays where my dad goes home early and spends 4 whole days with us. We'd go skiing, buy gifts, decorate the Christmas tree and sometimes we'd go see a play about the birth of Christ at some local theatre, dad loves going to those things. Then on Christmas eve, we'd stay in the kitchen and cook a feast for us and our relatives.

Me: wow that's awesome guys!

Fudou: I had to admit, that sounds pretty neat for you guys. Anyway, the next question is: What's the most epic thing that happened to you guys during Christmas?

Kidou: I knew you'd ask something like that.

Fudou: I wouldn't miss an opportunity to ask something embarrassing about you *smirk*.

Gouenji: Do we really have to answer that? *looks at me* I-It's kinda embarrassing...*blush*

Endou: Yup! We sure do! Now let's see... *thinks really hard* I got it! There was this one time during a class Christmas party during the 2nd grade when I accidentally poured eggnog on our teacher and one of my classmates laughed so hard that eggnog sprouted from his nose! Ask Kazemaru, he was there the whole time!!! *laughs so hard*

Toramaru: Does that count?

Fudou: Yeah *laughs along* that must've been so funny!

Endou: You have no idea!

Kidou: Guess I'm going next. Just last year the other year, me and he rest of Teikoku's soccer club had an exchange gifts gig. I was in charge of putting the name cards for who the gift was for and who gave it to him. *looks away* I kinda got mixed up with the whole thing and ended up mixing the gifts altogether. Sakuma got a pair of undies that were 3 times bigger than his size; which was supposed to be for the big fella in our team.

Endou and Fudou: *laughs*

Gouenji: I seriously don't want to do this...

Everyone: *looks at Gouenji*

Gouenji: What the?

Toramaru: Its really rare to see the great Gouenji-san to mess up on any occasion! We can't wait to hear what you got!

Me: Come on Shuuya, it can't be that bad. Right? *smiles*

Gouenji: *blushes and looks away* I-It was a few years ago, I was still a kid back then and was part of little choir presentation at school. I had the best voice in the whole group so they expected me to sing louder than the others, so I did... but I lost track of what song we were supposed to sing next and ended up singing "Rudolph the red nose Reindeer" instead of "Silent Night".

Me: That wasn't so bad. *smiles*

Gouenji: Really? You mean it Akira?

Me: Of course I do.

Fudou: Alright, alright. Leave the sweet mushy stuff till the end of the chapter would you?

Me: R-Right... uh the next question is: What's your favourite Christmas memory about?

Endou: That's easy! It was when my mom bought me my first soccer ball for Christmas! It was a really big deal for me since my mom... well, she was really afraid that I'd end up like Grandpa if I get too close to the game. But when I opened that gift from mom, I knew she trusted me well enough to let me continue on to what I love doing which was playing soccer.

Kidou: Nice one. Mine have to be my first Christmas with the Otonashi's. Me and dad plus Haruna and her parents had a wonderful time together. I felt like I had an even greater extension of my old family. Dad treats Haruna like her own daughter and her parents treats me like their own son. It was just...great.

Gouenji: Mine was when our mother was still alive. Every Christmas, she'd gather us around the fireplace and sings us songs about Christmas. We'd eat the cookies we prepared earlier, sing songs, and talk until we fall asleep. Then, she and dad would take us to their room and we'd spend the night beside them. Even if she's not here anymore, dad, Yuuka and I would still continue on the tradition. Then, when Yuuka's asleep, we'd carry her to dad's room and all three of us spend the night there.

Me: Those were amazing guys... *tears up a little but wipes it away*

Toramaru: As a show of thanks, we have a very special surprise for all of you!

Fudou: *comes in with Endou, Kidou and Gouenji's family members and the whole team (and the Coaches) with their family* Surprise!

Me: We're all going to spend the Holidays together! Isn't that great?

Endou: *gets overwhelmed* Minna~

Everyone: Captain/Endou/Endou-kun!

Kidou: I have to admit, this was a really great Christmas.

Haruna: Yep! You said it! *pulls out a gift for Kidou* Merry Christmas onii-san!

Yuuka: Onii-san! *hugs Gouenji*

Gouenji: *hugs back* hey there kiddo, you alright?

Yuuka: *nods* *grabs his hand and drags him to somewhere* *stops and smiles at him* Stay here nii-san!

Gouenji: *blinked* uhm.. ok?

Toramaru: *comes in pulling me by the hand and places me beside Gouenji*

Me: *looks at him and smiles* *blushes* H-Hi there...

Gouenji: *blushes* H-Hi Akira...

Toramaru and Yuuka: LOOK UP YOU LOVE BIRDS!

Me and Gouenji: *looks up and sees a mistletoe* *blushes beat red*

Everyone: *cheers and whistles* whoooo, you know what to do guys!

Me: U-uhm...

Gouenji: You, we don't have to do it if you don't want to... *looks away*

Me: *blushes even harder* I-I actually want to... I really do..

Gouenji: *smiles softly* In that case... Merry Christmas Akira *pulls me in for the kiss*

Me: *pulls away after a few moments* *smiles* Merry Christmas Shuuya...


Me: *smiles* I'm grateful for all the support and patience you've given me through this year. I'm really glad for the friends I made and for the great times we had together. May you and your family celebrate this season of love, peace and joy with tons of blessings bestowed upon you this wonderful time of the year.

Me and Gouenji: See ya guys later~


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