Love You No Longer [AU] (Ibuki)

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You were sitting alone in your glamorous room feeling uneasy as you opened the letter your husband Ibuki has sent you.

Why were you nervous?

Easy. Because you haven't written to Ibuki for weeks and you're afraid of what kind of harsh words will spew from his pen and on to the letter as you open it. What else can you expect from him? You always knew how demanding, moody and complicated he is, and yet here you are, married to that same person.

You love him. You love him with all your heart, that's why you married him despite his 'issues'. But deep in your mind you knew he was mad at you for not writing to him; and this letter will surely prove it.

And yet, what can you do?

Ibuki is the general of the people's army and right now, they are at war. Every time you wanted to write him a letter, you always thought that it'll distract him from his duties or you're worried that that letter won't make it to him in time.

Even so. You timidly opened the letter and read it.


I love you no longer; on the contrary, I detest you.

You never write to me at all, you do not love your husband. You know how much joy those letters meant to him and yet you can't even find the time to write him half-a-dozen lines!

What were you doing all day then, (YN)? What business are you up to that takes so much of your time that you can't even write me a single letter? What attachment can be stifling and pushing aside the love, the tender and constant love you promised me on our wedding day? Have you forgotten me and found another? Have my absences made you needy for someone else's love?

Do you know how worried I am as I intently wait for your letters to arrive each day?

The truth is... I'm worried about you.

I'm at war, and yet my thoughts are focused on you and how you're doing. And yet, you fail to send me a letter. Can you be more selfish? As retribution, write me a four-page letter made up from those delightful words which fills my heart with emotion and joy. Send it to me at once so that my mind will be at ease...and my heart can be relieved knowing that you still love me and that you've stayed loyal to me since the first day of our departure.

I hope the war finishes soon and that I can hold you in my arms before long, when I shall lavish upon you a million kisses, burning as the equatorial sun.

I love you... and I can never stop myself from doing so.

Sincerely yours,

Ibuki Munemasa

A smile made its way on your lips remembering how adorable your husband can be when he misses you. You won't lie though, you thought he really did hate you...but after reading the last sentence, you knew he can never stop loving you.

You kept the letter in your drawer and then made your way to the study room where you plan to make that four-page letter your husband demands of you.


Me: *smiles* this letter was adapted from Napoleon Bonaparte's letter to his wife/empress, Josephine Tascher De La Pagerie.

Toramaru: I never knew Napoleon was such a tsundere *laughs*

Fudou: these are some interesting references Akira, I bet their hard to find.

Me: I want my readers to have a unique experience when they read my works ^^ I see it as something that separates me from the rest.

Toramaru: either way, they're awesome Akira-nee!

Fudou: the next one will be about Tsurugi Yuuichi. If you enjoyed this one, please vote, comment and share.

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