Tag 20 thingy~ (I seriously don't know haha)

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Yo minna~

I'm grateful for being tagged by @RellyYumii to do this tag thingy. It's been a while since I did these kind of things ^^
Thanks sooo much :3

Alright! Let's get started!

*Do I like someone?
-Well... to be honest, no. Unless we're talking about fictional characters in which the answer is, yes ^^. *cough* Gouenji Shuuya *cough*

Let's just say that maintaining a crush from the real world is just... too much work. I mean, yeah I find some guys cute, but I don't really like them that much. So yeah, I'll stick to fictional guys ^^ their wayyyyyy bwtter!

*Do they like me?
- I'm not sure... when they come to the real world or maybe when I magically pop into their world, I'll ask them :)

*Middle name?

I think it sounds cool somehow hehe ^^

*Single or Taken?
-In real life: Single and proud baby!

In a fictional sense: Already taken by you-know-who *blush*

*Last song listened to?
-Focus by Ariana Grande.

I like the beat, it's really catchy :)

*Battery %?
-66% hahaha

*Girl Bestfriend?
-I'm happy to say I have a lot of them :)
_Krysta Lumase
_Shaznae Rivera
_Frincess Reyes
_Jeanne Ducusin

Of course all you guys are my friends too :) don't think that I care about you guys less than them; because once I consider you as my friend, you better believe that I'll treasure you and be there for you whenever you need me. I'm serious about this minna~ I cherish and value each and every one of my friends because I love them :) they're important to me and they continue to support me in all my endeavors. That's why I'm happy I have you all as my friends.

A HUGE 'THANK YOU' TO YOU MINNA for being my friend~

*Guy Bestfriend?
*In wattpad, I consider axelblaze_10 as my bestfriend.

In the real world on the other hand... hmmm I'm not sure. But I do know that I have a lot of 'bros' (I guess they're considered as my bestfriends) from the school newspaper club like Henry, Bryan, Karl, Mario and (I guess) Ron. And just like any of my friends, I cherish them :) they're pretty great listeners whenever I have some problems at some point.

*Fav OTP?
-Definitely Kirino X Jean D'Arc!!!

They. Are. PERFECT!!!

Oh and some cases I guess GouAkira is plausible (If its official, I mean. I don't want to upset anyone...)

*Why I made my account
-You guys want to know the truth?

I made my account a because I wanted something to take my mind off of the stress I've been feeling for so long. I wanted something to distract me from world's noise so I could think clearly about something else.

Of course another reason is because I wanted to write and read stories, but the main reason is for me to forget about the world's troubles for a while. Trust me, when you step into my life even just for a day, you'll see what I had to go through just to make it till the end of that very same day. I'm not always that strong. I'm not always that happy... I can be troubled too... I can get stressed out too... I can get discouraged too.

But wattpad makes me feel like I was someone worth a second look. That I have talent and I can actually share it to the people who appreciate it.

Believe it or not, not everyone appreciates my writing...they can't understand my works because its rarely about love (my classmates are "hopeless romantics"). Mine, is a mixture of featurized informative essays - things that can make the readers think and feel at the same time. I've worked REALLY hard on developing my writing skills for years and I still have yet to reach the pique of my abilities.


Well, enough of my (sometimes) pitiful life hahaha

*Current Lockscreen
-Of course, its Gouenji Shuuya *blush*

-July 29, 1998

Dang... I feel so old ^^'


Well minna that's all for now! I know I'm supposed to tag someone specific...
But my phone won't let me! I'm so sorry.



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