Talk Dirty To Me (Fudou)

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"What am I doing here again?" you asked your boyfriend Fudou Akio as you started to adjust the belly-dancer outfit he had you wear. Forcibly, of course.

"Like I said before (FN), you're going to help us out in making our music video for some extra credits." Fudou said giving you a smirk while he strode along the set wearing his costume- a hot looking, "Aladin-style" costume with a few gold and silver accessories, enough to make him look like a sultan...

A very hot Sultan.

"Close your mouth babe, you'll catch flies." Fudou ginned as he walked towards you and kissed your jawline.

Sakuma, Genda and the others snickered at the sight making you turn away and blush at what your boyfriend was doing to you.

After talking it through, you found out that your only role was to sit in the middle like a princess while Fudou sang and danced to "entertain" you, along with the other members from their class group.

The song started to play and the others started to dance to its beat. Fudou, who stood beside you, winked at you before kneeling down and whispered, "Keep your eyes on me? ok?"

He then grabbed your hand and kissed it before he started singing the song...

"I'm that flight that you get on, international

First class seat on my lap girl, riding comfortable

'Cause I know what the girl them need,

New York to Haiti

I got lipstick stamps on my passport,

You make it hard to leave

I've been around the world, but don't speak the language

But your booty don't need explaining

All I really need to understand is

When you talk dirty to me~


Talk dirty to me

Talk dirty to me-eh


Talk dirty to me, dirty to me, dirty to me"

He then took your hand and held you close till your breathes are mingling. He bit his bottom lip and caressed your face with one hand while he traveled your body with the other. This was getting more and more erotic than you thought.

"You know the words to my songs

No habla inglés

Our conversations ain't long

But you know what is

I know what the girls them want,

London to Taiwan

I got lipstick stamps on my passport

I think I need a new one~

Been around the world, but don't speak the language

But your booty don't need explaining

All I really need to understand is

When you talk dirty to me


Talk dirty to me-eh


When you talk dirty to me"

Throughout this point of the song, he stared into your eyes and left kisses on your jawline up to your ears as he steadily held your waist close to him. With his other hand, he held your wrist and pulled you closer to smell your hair. He smirked at the sight of you catching your breathes to his actions...damn, he can be too sexy sometimes..

"Talk dirty to me

Talk, talk dirty to me

Been around the world, but don't speak the language

All I need to understand is

Talk, talk dirty to me"

The song ended with your heartbeat pulsing and your face as red as tomatoes. You didn't expect that music video to be so... sexy. Gods! Especially with Fudou's voice singing like that...

"So?" Fudou said biting your lower lip, "How was it?"

"Sexy as fuck..."

"I knew it."

With a grin and another kiss on your lips, he led you towards the group and watched the video you two made.


Chrone: Whoah...

Me: Whoah...

Toramaru: Whoah....

Fudou: What the actual fuck?!!!

Me: *clears throat* anyway, I hope you liked it. please uhm...comment and vote...

Toramaru: Y-yeah...

Fudou: Oi! Don't you dare ignore me! what the fuck was that one-shot about? I mean seriously?! Why?!!

Chrone: Akira did it...

Me: *hides behind Toramaru* Maru-chan, help meee~

Chrone: and that's that. we hope you liked SPECIALS~ part 3. Now get ready for part 4... and the theme will be...

Me: Love CHARMS!!!

Toramaru: *smiles* the voting for SPECIALS~ part 4 is now officially open! Of course, it'll take a while to tally the votes, so please, go on ahead and tell us who you want to feature in the next part!

Chrone: Choose wisely now. The majority of votes will decide who'll be featured next time *smirks*

Me: Just PM me the names and I'll add him to the list *smiles*

Fudou: *sighs* we hope you'll be able to be patient with us. Akira will be a bit busy since she's starting to write her new book in another account. Please check it out...

Toramaru: Her official publishing date will be on April 22. She'll be starting off with the first 5 chapters and then updates regularly hopefully *nervous smiles*

Me: uhm...

Chrone: for those of you who doesn't know yet, her other account name is CrestDelirium29...

Toramaru: nyaaa~ thanks again minna!

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