Chapter 2

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Others Will Know



Thranduil, King of Greenwood, sat upon his throne. Just about everything was on is mind at the time. He slowly closed his eyes and doing this an image appeared, no not an image, a vision.

(I do not get many of those.) The King thought.

~The vision showed a celebration in Greenwood. He saw a beautiful, graceful Elleth, and The King was taken a back by her. No, Elleth has ever made him do that before, except his wife.

She had beautiful brown eyes. Her hair was very strange, for she had long brown hair with white locks at the ends, and yet her beauty forever shined through.

He also an Ellon, no not just any Ellon. He saw his son, yet older probably like a 1oo, or more.

(This must be his coming of age party.)

His son was taken back seeing the young maiden, just has he was. But Thranduil saw something more, he saw something special. The King also noticed a beautiful jewel around both there necks.

He then saw that the mysterious maiden was the only one not drinking any of the wine. Even when other elves tried to offer her one, she refused every time.

This made King Thranduil, question how old the maiden really was.

A final vision came to him, there was a celebration and it was in Rivendell.

(Why in Rivendell?) Thranduil thought.

He saw his son and the beautiful Elleth in the middle of the room, dancing. She was wearing a white dress with gold designs. ...It was a wedding.

(Oh, she must be from Rivendell.)

After their special dance was over, many others danced with them. He then saw Lord Elrond go up to the couple and asked his son a dance with the Elleth. His son did not object and handed her right over. Tears came down the maidens' face.

Though the King did not under stand why. ~

With that the vision ended and King Thranduil, for he too was left to his thoughts.

(Strange,) he thought, (very strange.)

The King sat on his throne, comprehending what he saw.

(Who is that young maiden that my son falls for? Why was she crying when Lord Elrond danced with her? Why did he, even ask for a dance with her?)The King wondered.

(Could she be, no) he thought, (surely she can not be a daughter of Elrond... could she?)

The King's thoughts were quickly interrupted by a small elfling's voice.

'Ada, Ada!' The young Ellon's voice cried running to him.

"Yes, 'lell nón.' What is it?" Thranduil picking up his son, placing him on his lap.

"I just wanted to say hello." The Ellon said.

The King laughed, then asked,

"Where is your 'Naneth, Legolas?'"

Before Legolas could answer a female voice came over the room.

"Legolas? Legolas, where are you?" The woman called.

"I am here, 'Naneth!'" Legolas said laughing.

"Legolas," The Queen said coming in to view. "your 'Ada' is very busy let him be."

Picking up her son from her husband lap, she placed, Legolas on the floor.

"Now, go and play, I must speak to your 'Ada.'"

"Yes, 'Naneth.'" Legolas said leaving the room.

Once Legolas left the room the Queen turned to her husband.

"Now, what did you see 'Melleth?'" The Queen asked.

"I am sorry, 'Melamin.' I do not know what you mean." Replied the King.

The Queen just rolled her eyes and said,

"I know that look, you saw something Thranduil. Now what was it?"

Thranduil sighed knowing he was not going to win this he spoke,

"I saw a young 'Elleth,' win the heart of our son.

"You mean you have seen the girl who will marry our son?!" She asked eagerly.

"Do, you know who she is?"

"I do not know her name, nor have I ever seen her before. I do know she is younger than Legolas." Thranduil stated.

"Well, do you at least know where she hails from?" She asked.

"Yes, it seems she hails from Rivendell and is the daughter of Elrond." He said.

The Queen was confused. Lord Elrond only had one daughter and she was far too old for their son. Thranduil saw the confusion on his wife's face, so he spoke.

"It would seem Elrond will have more than one daughter."

That is when King Thranduil heard a voice in his mind. With a message.

~"You are happy now, but wait. Fate will be cruel to you..."~



Galadriel, Lady of Lothlóríen, looked up from here mirror a smile came across her face. For she saw her future granddaughter fall in love with the Prince of Greenwood. With that she went back to her chambers to find her husband, Celeborn, working at his desk.

"There you are 'Melamin', why are you smiling like that?" Celeborn asked.

"I saw our granddaughter fall in love with an 'Ellon.'" Galadriel said.

"Arwen, falls in love?" He questioned not believing his ears.

"I did not saw it was Arwen."

"You, said that our granddaughter falls in love." Celeborn said now looking at his wife.

"I did not say which one."


' ' - Elvish
~ ~ - Visions, Voices in your Head
Italics - Used in Visions, and Voices in your Head
( ) - Thoughts
Ada - Father
Naneth - Mother
Lell nón - My Son
Melleth/Melamin - My Love
Ellon - Male elf
Elleth - Female elf

Okay that mysterious vioce appeared again. I wounder who it is.

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