Chapter 36

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T.A. 2511


I woke up gasped, looking around I saw, I was still on my bathroom floor. I sighed in relief, but - never the less guilty.

(She's dead. And it's all my fault.)

"My one heart hurt another,
so only one life can't be enough.

Can you give me just another,
for the one who got away.
Lonely I, I'm so alone now.

They'll be no rest, for the wicked.
There's no song, for the choir.
There's no hope for the weary,
if you let them in without a fight.

If one heart can mend another,
only then can we begin.
So won't you hold on a little longer,
don't let them get away.
Lonely I, I'm so alone now.

They'll be no rest for the wicked.
There's no song for the choir.
There's no hope for the weary,
if you let them win without a fight.

I let my good one down.
I let my true love die.

I had his heart, but I broke it every time.
Lonely I, I'm so alone now.

They'll be no rest, for the wicked.
There's song for the choir.
There's no hope for the weary,
if you let them win, without a fight.

I let my good one , I let my true love die.

I had his heart,, but I broke it every time."

Tears formed in my eyes again, as I watched a single flame, from the candle burn.

I watched it.

I hated it.

I let my new tears fall, hearing the flame go out.


I woke up hearing a knock on the door, causing me to jump, along causing the candle to relight.

The knock came again.

"Come on Squirt, open the door."

You can guess who that was.

"No." I said stubbornly.

I heard him sigh.

"Come on open the door. You got to eat."

"I'm not opening it."

I heard his body get down on the floor, but not blocking the door.

"Not even a little?"

I didn't say anything.


"Why, did you come back?"

He didn't reply.

"You didn't even say goodbye." I cried.


"You said, I'll always be your little sister, and that you'll always be my older brother."


"If you and Elladan, did not come back, I would still be in the woods. Alone."

"And dead."

Well, he won that one.

"You never answered my question."

"And you never opened the door."

(Cause I probably look like a mess.)

I sighed, unlocking the door. I just imagine Elrohir smiling, as I cracked the door open, but only a little. Enough to see half of him.

"When we meet Arveleg and the other Rangers. He asked us why we were with them, and not here. Grieving as a family." He said not looking at me.

"Everyone has a different way of grieving."

"We told them that you never told us what was going to happen. Arveleg asked us why you never told us."

I remained silent.

"We then realized we never gave you the chance. " He then looked at me. "Why, did you never tell us?"

"I was told not to, tell anyone." I whispered, closing the door back.

"Lìvia, open the door. You've been in there for two days. You got to eat. Please."

(Two days?)

I cracked the door again.

"Two days?"


"She's dead, isn't she. - And its all my fault."

"Lìvia, what makes you think that?"

I looked away from his gaze.

"Come on, Squirt. Please, tell me."

"I saw her. Everything that's happened is because of me. 'Ada,' said if the other one was here, it would be me, but I can not see it." I explained, looking back at Elrohir.

He looked surprised at me.

"You know about - how?"

"A few hours before you all left. Arwen blames me for 'Naneth' leaving. She said, if the other one had lived, I would not be here. And none of this would have happened." I replied looking back at the floor.

"Arwen's not dead, Lìvia."

"She's not?" I asked looking at him.

"No, and I believe you were not a mistake."

"So you say." I whispered, looking away.

"Lìvia. What I'm saying is true."

I looked back up at him, shutting the door.

I heard him sigh.

"Alright, I'll leave you. That plate better be empty, when I come back."

"Or what?"

"You'll see."

I smiled at his threat.

I wonder when the last time I did that?

I heard the door close, and after a moment of silence I cracked the door open, finding a tray of food, and a cup of water.

Opening the door wider, I pulled the tray closer, and ate.

3rd POV

Elrond paced back and forth, in the library. Lìvia still has locked herself in her room. Bathroom to be more persist, for two weeks now.

He worried for his daughters' state of being. How she fears of hurting someone else.

The library doors opened, Elrond looked and sighed in relief.

"Thank you for coming, 'Mellon.'"

"Of course, Lord Elrond. I got your message, and came as quickly as I could. - Where is she?"

Lìvias' POV

I sat in the same place, for Valar knows how long. I did not know the day or the hour.

I heard my bedroom door open, and footsteps. Light ones, but not elf light.

"I already ate, leave me alone. - Please."

It was quite, till a voice replied.

"Then, I have traveled all this way for nothing."

My eyes widened, recognizing the voice. I unlocked the door, and opened it.


"Hello, my dear." The old wizard replied, pulling me into a hug.

It was quick cause, I'm still afraid.

"What are you doing here, Gandalf?"

"I'm here to help you, Lívian." He said, taking my hands into his.

"Help me with what?"

"Your father, sent me a message about your condition."

I quickly jerked my hands back. I can't hurt another one. The fireplace lit, we both turned to the pit.

I opened my mouth to speak, but he cut me off. Holding his finger to his lips. Then with his index finger, a little flame lit.

"You can help me?"

"Yes. You see this ring." He replied, pulling one out.

A red ring, but not the same ring, that sparked, twenty years ago.

No, this one was more simple, and plain. Single gold band, with a red stone in the middle.

"This should help you control it, until you learn to control it yourself." He explained, had me the ring.

I quickly slipped it on my right, ring finger. I felt a little more stable than I have in weeks.

2 weeks later.


Just like Gandalf showed you. Just like you practiced.

Close your eyes, deep breath, exhale, and relax.


I opened my eyes, focusing on the fire. Which flickered, in a frenzy.


The flames ceased.

I sighed, in relief.

This is the first time, I practiced since Gandalf left.

He said if he came back and Rivendell was not in ashes then I did good.

I continued to stare at the fire. Yes, at the fireplace. Out of the bathroom, for once.

My mind went to the last song my mother sang to me. How she held me tight in her arms. Oh, how I wish I could see her again.

I as watched the flames, I saw something, or at least I thought I did.

I thought I saw a figure, in the fire.

(That's impossible.)

My eyes still on the flames, was taken aback seeing the figure again, but instead of one there were two.

Close together in one of the figures' arms.

(Could it be?)

But it was. It was her, and I.

"Hush child, the darkness will
Rise from the deep and carry
You down to sleep.

Child, darkness will
Rise from the deep and carry
You down into sleep.

Guileless one, I'll shape your
And you'll always know that
Your father's a thief
And you won't understand
The cause of your grief,
But you'll always follow the
Voices beneath.

Loyalty, loyalty
Loyalty, loyalty
Loyalty, loyalty
Loyalty, only to me.

Guileless one, your spirit will
Hate her,
The flower who married
My brother the traitor.
And you will expose his
Puppeteer behavior,
For you are the proof of how
He betrayed her loyalty.

Loyalty, loyalty
Loyalty, loyalty
Loyalty, loyalty
Loyalty, only to me

Guileless one, each day you
Grow older.
Each moment I'm watching,
My vengeance unfold.
For the child of my body
The flesh of my soul,
Will die in returning the
Birthright he stole.

Loyalty, loyalty
Loyalty, loyalty
Loyalty, loyalty
Loyalty, only to me.

Hush child, the darkness will rise
From the deep
and carry you down into sleep

Child, the darkness will rise
From the deep
And carry you down into sleep."

The image faded from the flames, as if it was never there.

(I miss you, so much, Mom. So much.)

Just then my door flew open. I turned to see Arwen.


She looked like there was hope, but that quickly faded. Seeing that mother was not here.

"Arwen?' I asked slowly.

She lowered herself onto my wooden chest, placing her hands in her face.

"Arwen? Are you alright?" I asked standing up, and walked over to her. Keeping my distance.

"I thought I heard her." She whispered. Her hands still head. "I thought I heard her singing. But-"

"Turns out its me?"

She nodded.

"It sounded just like her."

It was quite for a while.

"I'm sorry Lìvia." She said breaking the silence.

"For what?"

"For blaming you." She said looking up at me.


"No. I shouldn't have blamed you. - When I was in Lothlóríen, I looked into Grandmothers' mirror."

"What did you see?"

"I saw my mistakes."

(She's lying.)

"I saw what I said to you. I saw what happened later, I saw what you went though. - And I'm sorry, please forgive me."

(Maybe not.)

"I'm sorry too Arwen. I didn't mean to-"

"No, Lìvia. I deserved it."

"I thought you were dead, Arwen. I thought I -"

I was interrupted, by Arwen hugging me. I hesitantly hugged her back.

"Arwen!?" One if the twins shouted.

"Arwen! Did you hear-"

We broke apart, seeing Elladan there, seeing his emotions change.

"Lìvia?" He questioned, walking closer.


"What does your brother not get a hug? Cause he as not seen her in a very long time. I'm sorry, Lìvia. Please forgive me."

Opening his arms.

"Of course Elladan." I said walking into them.

"Alright. This twin wants forgiveness too." Elrohirs' voice called.

"Come here, Elrohir."

"Its good to see you out of the bathroom, Squirt."

I smiled.

"You won't believe how much I missed you guys."

"We missed you too." They chorused.



Family hug.

Sorry I did not update last week. I'm thinking about update every other week. Because of school.

Also Wattpad hates me again.

*Sings, 'Why can't we be friends.'*

Next week Greenwood.

AWAY!! *Superman flying*



Do both.

Don't do any.

I'm out.

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