Chapter 50

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T.A. 2770


~"I could tell you all about what's next

If I could make it clear

Or to complicate the next

What would you hear then" - Umphrey's McGee~


The evening sun started to set, as my brothers and I were called by our father to meet him in the library.

Arwen left to stay in Lothlóríen twenty years ago. She sends my letters from time to time, telling me she is enjoying her stay.

"Why does Father wish to see us?" I asked my brothers as we walked through the halls.

"No idea." Elrohir replied.

"You would think after, over two thousand years of knowing him-" Elladan began, and Elrohir joined him.

"We would know him better." They replied.

"Just goes to show you that you can never truly know someone, even after so many years."

"Do not get poetic on us now."

"Brother, our worst fear is coming true. She's become like - Lindir." Elrohir stated, taking a gasp before saying the advisors' name.

"You both give our friend so little praise. Last time I looked, he is courting an 'Elleth.' Where are your, 'Elleths?'"

They did not answer, instead they gave me a cold stare, but it only made me smile which got them to smile as well.

"You win this round, sister."


The candles were already giving off most of the light in the room by the time we got there.

"I have called you three here to discuss a matter of business."

"What is it, Father?"

"I want you three to go to Eerbor, representing the Elves of Rivendell and pay homage to The King's Jewel. And try to make an oath with the Dwarves."

"The Arkenstone?" Ada nodded, so I continued. "Why, go now?"

Ada walked over to the closed doors to the balcony with his hands behind his back.

"Something's coming. I fear their pride will make them blind of the truth."

"Do not forget about their stubbornness."

"Not to mention that they are greedy."

I never have met a dwarf, not yet anyways. I do not know if my brothers have ever met the dwarves or if they did then they just had a bad running, either way I didn't appreciate the way my brothers talk so poorly of them. I do not know why, but it did not please me.

'Ná quildë!' Ada shouted.

'Be silent!'

His shouted startled me, that I caused all the candles blew out.


'Nyé, Ada.' I apologized, relighting the candles.

'Sorry, Father.'

'Le ná avatryara, Lìvia.' He replied softly, then adverted his eyes back to the twins, with a not so softly response.

'You are forgiven, Lìvia.'

"You two are to rule Rivendell one day, start acting like it."

They might need to go to the waterfall to repel the fire that was heavily bestowed upon them both.

"Yes, Father." They replied shamefully.

"Good, now back to the matter at hand. You three will leave at sunrise. You are dismissed."

We bowed and left the room.

I was glad Ada was not going to lecture me about using my so called gift, the way I just did.

Its been doing that quite a bit the last few days.


As the sun started to rise, my brothers and I began to prepare for our trip to Eerbor.

I wore a blue and brown traveling dress that had a hood attached to it.

Ada thought it would be best, if I covered my hair. Other than the elves and rangers, no one has seen my hair, not wanting to appose as a threat, I agreed.

It would not hide my face, I remember how well the went the last time I hide my face from a King.

Which remedied me, opening my jewelry box, I picked up a single gold band with a small red stone in the middle, slipping it on and quickly headed out the door.



Finally, after many days traveling we arrived to Eerbor, and by the Valar was it worth it.

It was absolutely beautiful, the Dwarves' craftsmanship is truly a work of art. The arches, carved into the mountain, grand staircases that seem to go on forever in all directions.

I was looking in all directions, but ahead.

My back bumped into someone, I quickly turned around apologizing.

"I'm so sorry. I should look where I am going."

"Not to worry, my dear Lady." replied the dwarf.

He had black hair and beard, but it was going gray, his nose was quite large has well.

"What is you name, master dwarf?"

"Balin, son of Fundin. And your name my Lady?"

"Lìvia!" Elrohir's voice whispered loudly.

I looked up seeing him motion his hand to follow him.

"I must be going. Sorry again."

I then caught up to my brothers as we made our way to King Thrór.


I can respect the Dwarves, I can respect their rules of only males to be part of forming alliances, but what a can not do is get lost while respecting the craftsmanship.

Which I am most likely lost, and am I going to ask for help? No, I'm to prideful, it is my downfall.

"What are you doing here?" a gruff, male voice asked.

I turned around to my surprise was seeing a young dwarf with black hair and beard, and dressed in dark blue.

"I got lost, Master Dwarf. Could you please show me the way to get back to the main hall?"

He gave an under his breath sigh, which I could easily hear.

"Follow me." the dwarf replied, walking towards me, then passed as I followed behind.

"Thank you,- I'm sorry what is your name?"

"Prince Thorin."

"Nice to meet you, Prince Thorin."

"Usually when one meets someone new they both exchange their names."

"Sorry, my name's Lìvia."

We entered a hall that had a giant stone mold of King Thrór.


"You seem amazed by our craftsmanship."

"Why would I not?"

"Not many appreciate our work."

"Well, I am not like many."

"You are an elf."

"Yes,-" I said quite defensively, but finished my sentence more calmly. "of Imladris."

"Rivendell? You are far from home."

"Yes I suppose so, but I have been this far before. I have been to Mirkwood many times."

"I have heard the beauty of elves, but my imagination has no comparison to seeing them in person."

(Did he just complement me?)

"What I have heard of the Dwarves craftsmanship is underrated. It is simply fascinating, what you can do under the mountains." I said as my fingers brushed one of the stone pillars.

"I saw you come in with the two Elven Lords."

"Yes, they are my brothers." I said looking back at him. "-Do you have any siblings?"

He hesitated, not truly wanting to answer, but .

"I have two. A younger brother named Frerin and a younger sister named Dís."

"They both sound very lovely."

"That jewel around your neck." Thorin said changing conversations. "Where did you get it?"

My hand reached up touching the colorful jewel.

"It was a gift."

"Does the one who gave you it, have one as well?"

"Yes, I gave it to him."

As we walked, we passed a room full of gold. Mounds upon mounds of gold and jewels.

I have never seen so much gold in my life.

And in the middle was King Thrór, turning around, his arms outstretched. Looking in awe at it all.

Something about his eyes, was giving me chills. They seemed dark and full of greed.


We finally made it back to the main hall, above the throne room.

Thorin left, having his own duties to attend to. I thanked him for helping me where I needed to be.

I looked out seeing Dale. I could hear the children laughing. That's it. No wind, no birds chirping, nothing.

"Lìvia, there you are." Elrohir's voice called from behind me.


"What? I-"

"Sh! Do you hear that?"

"Children laughing?" Elladan asked.


Both brothers stopped and listened.

"No. I do not hear anything." Elrohir stated.

"That is my point. Its quite. Not even a single chirp from a thrush."

I looked back at my brothers, who might see me as a mental person.

"Is there an alliance?" I asked.

"No. We might have been too late, or they just wish to refuse our help." Elladan replied.

As we walked back inside I heard light footsteps, I continued walking till I got over to the railing that over looked the Kings' throne.

It was King Thranduil along with four guards with him, two in front and two in back.

King Thrór sat on his throne, as well as his son and Thorin that stood beside him. Along with another dwarf that held a small chest.

We watched as a dwarf presented the Elven King with a small chest. The dwarf then opened it, seeing that it was full of white jewels. Jewels as bright as the stars.

King Thranduil took a step closer to the chest, just in arms reach of touching the jewels - the chest's lid closed with a snap.

Thorin seemed surprised looking up at his Grandfather, King Thranduil looked back up at King Thrór as well.

Both Kings exchanged stares, till King Thranduil turned walking away, followed by his guards.

"What's going to happen now?" I asked, looking at my brothers.

"I don't know, nothing good though." replied Elladan.



Okay so should Aragon's timeline follow the movies or the books?


*Mexican music plays in the distance*

Okay so I can't do both. I HAVE to write one or the other.

And I what I mean by that is in the Hobbit book Aragorn is 11, but in the movie he's in his early or late twenties. Due to the fact that he is already a ranger named Strider, who Legolas is suppose to find.

So tell me what you think.

What else is there..

If you know what's going to happen next then raise your hand.

And wave it in the air, like you just don't care.

Are you waving your hands?

Or you can just leave a comment.

And vote.

Don't forget to vote.

And comment.




Im out.

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