Chapter 53

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Bedtime Stories

T.A. 2936


~"If you just realize what I just realized

Then we'd be perfect for each other

And we'll never find another

Just realize what I just realized

We'd never have to wonder if

We missed out on ach other but

It's not the same

No its never the same

If you don't feel it too." - Realize - Colbie Caillat-~


Journal 20

It has been three years since Gilraen and her son Ara- Estel have come to stay with us.

I for one found joy as much as the older elves seeing and hearing young laughter, as well as little feet running through the halls of Rivendell.

Secretly I believe Ada enjoys it as well, even if he does not admit it.

It is a shame that Arwen is not here, but the world has a funny way of bringing -

There then came a knock on my door, closing my book, I responded.

"Come in."

The door opened and little Estel came into view.

"Estel, what are you doing up? You should be in bed."

"I couldn't sleep. Can you tell me a story?"

"Of course."

Estel smiled, closing the door and sat down on my bed as I came around on the other side of him and sat, wrapping my arm around him, letting him rest his head on my shoulder.

"What story would you like me to tell?"

"Tell me a story about one of your adventures away from Rivendell."

"Alright let me see." I said as I started thinking of a good story to tell. Once I thought of a story I looked down at Estel and asked.

"Have you heard of the Shire?"

"Yeah," he said looking up at me. "that's where - Hobbits live right?"

"Yes, it was about - oh, forty-six years ago, Gandalf took me to the Shire for their Midsummers Eve celebration. Gandalf had his fireworks, and they would display such beautiful colors, some would even turn into animals. 

"There was one that when it explode butterflies that flew around the children. There was another one that would explode into a tree and it would then rain down many different colors, like leaves changing during the seasons."

"What were the colors, Lìvia?"

"Oh, a vibrant colors of greens, reds, yellows, oranges, and blues."


"Yes, it was a sight to see. Even with all that going on, there was a young Hobbit, who came up and started whacking Gandalfs' leg with a wooden sword."

Estel laughed which made me laugh as I continued the story.

"I remember it so clearly, the young Hobbits' name was, Bilbo."

"What happened after that?"

"Nothing really, I returned here and continued on with my life."

"What about the -" Estel stopped, as if he was trying to find the word. "-the Woodland Realm?"

"What about it?"

"Elladan and Elrohir said you had someone there a - a 'Melleth' they said."

Oh, I am going to kill those two.

"Lìvia, what is a 'Melleth'?" Estel asked bringing me back from my plot to kill two brothers.

"For starters, do not always believe what you hear from them two. 'Melleth,' in our language means "my love.""

"Oh, " he said, looking down, then he looked back up at me. "So do you have one? A 'Melleth?'"

"No, I do not. He is only a friend."

"But there is someone."

"You are too smart for your own good. You know that?"

Estel giggled.

"That's what mother tells me." he said, then yawned. "Can you please, tell me another story?"

"Of course, what do you want to hear?"

"Tell me a story about you and the 'Ellon.'"

I was quite for a moment, thinking of a story I could tell. I smiled knowing a memory that would be perfect.

"When I turned a hundred, we held a huge celebration. Elves from all over Middle-earth came."

"Even the ones from Lothlóríen?"

"Yes. It was quite a night it was. Elves dancing till their feet ached, drinking wine till there was none left." I told Estel, then laughed. "Elladan and Elrohir trying to sing after consuming too much wine."

Estel let out a weak giggle, he was falling asleep.

"What about the 'Ellon?' Was he there?" he mumbled.

"Yes, he was there. We danced a bit, laughed. It was late into the night when he took me to the gardens, away from everyone and-"

My memory took over, playing without me realizing it. At the end of the memory, I smiled, wishing I could go back and live it all over again.

I then realized I wasn't telling the story, looking down at Estel who was fast asleep on my shoulder. I smiled, and continued where I left off, looking out the window.

"We danced, out there in the gardens like before. The moon was out as we danced around the fountain. We could hear the music play as we held each other close. Yes, we danced like we have never danced before."

I kissed the top of Estels' head, then removed my arm from around him, placing his head on a pillow. I then head back to my desk, to finish my writing.

-Yes, the world does have a funny way of showing us who we are meant to be with... though I fear I have now missed my chance. I realize my fear of a heartbreak, was why I hide my feelings..

I was a fool not to see it. I was a fool to push him away.

I fear I have made a grave mistake.

        -  Lìvia


Now to all readers, you may be wondering when this book will end.

Yes, I know it's sad, but all good things must come to an end.

But lucky us those good things start a new.

Two updates left, then it's the Hobbit!!


It only took like- two -three years.

I hope to have the final chapter up soon. I might do it Spring break that way I can update the second book as well.

I don't know...


2017 kicking off to a great start (sarcasm) 

John Hurt will be missed.




Do both

I love you guys

I hope you have all enjoyed this story, and I look forward to you all liking the Hobbit.

I'm Out.

Peace like a river.

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