Chapter 3:Dreadful News

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They have been waiting for like an hour, but even so Knuckles is still feeling very uneasy. He keep turning and moving, he slighty bit his tongue to keep himself still but he can't help it.

Sonic assured Knuckles that it won't be long with Tails as well.

Until everyone caught their attention when the door opened, revealing Dr. Jay again with a clipboard in his hand.

"See, told you it won't be that long." Sonic said with a smile, Knuckles only nodded and look at Dr. Jay.

Dr. Jay is silent as he look at everyone in the room, he let out a sigh.

".. I'm sorry but.."

Sonic's smile fade a little when he heard the first sentence, Tails start to get worried and Knuckles just stared, waiting.

"...there's.. We can't do anything.."



"W-What do you mean you can't do anything?" Sonic ask, half expecting it's a joke. He have his smile but his brows furrowed in concern.

"Sir. Knuckle's illness is.. Not something we're familiar with.. We discovered his cells getting destroyed by these infected cells.... Which could.. Leads to his death if this continue." He explained as the other three are all processing it.

"Y-you mean like cancer..?" Tails ask as the Doctor shakes his head.

"Not cancer but similar to it." He said and took a breath before continuing.

"These infected cells seems to get turned out this way when they evolve in a wrong way, and this infected cells roamed in his bloodstream and destroy every cells it encounter, making him much weaker and tired all the time. It is slowly killing his body." The Doctor said.

"T-there is a way to cure it right?" Tails said nervously as the Doctor shakes his head again.

"Like I said, we can't do anything because this illness is.. New to us.. But it seems like this illness came from.." He said and turn to look at Knuckles. ".. Genes.. It must have passed down to him by one or both of his parents.." He said as Tails quickly look at Knuckles in shock, Knuckles is silent. Starring at his own hands that isn't moving.

Sonic slowly clenched his hands into fits, silent but it's obvious his not taking it well..

Tails and Sonic both feel horror creeping up to them as they look at the doctor with widen eyes..

Knuckles is starring at his own hand before clenching it and sighs.

".. How much do I have left..?"

Once he ask the Doctor look at his clipboard then at Knuckles.

" 5 months or s-"


The Doctor got startled by Sonic's outburst, Tails and Knuckles are looking at him with widen eyes.

Sonic is glarring at the doctor as the canine sweatdropped.

"I'm sure there's something to cure him! You gotta have something!" Sonic insisted as the Doctor gulp.

"I-I swear, we don't really know how to handle this kind of a illness. We already have a difficult time dealing with cancer patients, I'm so sorry!" The canine said, gripping his clipboard.

Sonic opened his mouth and-


Sonic stop as he look over seeing Knuckles looking at him.

".. Stop it.. You're scaring him.." He said as Sonic stared, he look at the canine before letting out a sigh, burying his face into his hands.

Knuckles then turn to the Doctor. "Can I move around and do things I love before I die..?" he ask as the Doctor think about it.

"I.. I don't know, it might cause a side effect and-"

"I'll die anyways.. It won't matter anymore...." Knuckles cutted off the canine and look at him.

".. Can I.. Please..?"

The canine doctor is silent before sighing.

".. I guess it's fine.. But as long you won't exhausted yourself out, it would only make it faster. "He said as Knuckles give a small smile.

" Thank you.. "

Tails look at Knuckles with worried and concern look, Sonic still have his hands to his face..

Things won't be the same as he hoped for, Time change....

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