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A younger Knuckles is starring with a worried look on his face.

He watch his Mother sleeping in the bed..but she's paler and having trouble breathing.

Knuckles look worried for his Mother, until he sees someone stepped beside him..

It was his Father..

Knuckles look at his Father with fear in his eyes, his Father's face is..unreadable..

"..P..papa..?" He ask as he reach his hand for him, his Father didn't respond but when Knuckles touched his hand he return it by tightly holding Knuckle's hand.

Knuckles blink and look at him, worry and confusion is seen on his face.

"Papa..what's wrong with Mama..?" He ask but he didn't answer.

After few more seconds of silence.. His Father open his mouth to speak.

"She's..not well right now.." He said as Knuckles look confused, being at a young age he didn't quite understand.

"She'll get well soon...right?" He ask but his response is only silence.


Knuckles doesn't like it..

"......Yeah... She will" He lied..

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