Episode 7

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After a long train ride Zak finally reached his home town of Archbald. The only problem was he couldn't remember we're his house was, or what it looked like.

His memory was so strange. He remembered that he used to remember. He knew his name, age, school, and some friends. He remembered his fifth birthday cake, and his second grade teacher’s name. Though he couldn't remember where he lived, or his parents names. He remembered that There was a girl, a special girl. A girl that he loved. A girl so special he missed her even though he didn't even know her name. He tried to think of one, or a face, or any information. But the only thing he got was a pair of the most beautiful eyes he's ever seen.

As he thought about this girl he just kept walking. He had no clue were he was going, he just kept walking on a sidewalk that seemed familiar. He walked until he reached a small tan house, with white shutters and small flowers planted all around the house.

As he slowly crept up the steps of the porch memories kept flooding in. Birthdays, sleepovers, and movie nights. This place might not be his home, or maybe it is. Either way is was special, he knew it, and that was good enough for him.

When he reached the door he hesitated, but then gave three gentle knocks. He half expected a familiar face, and half expected a total stranger.

When the door opened he was greeted by both. There was a young girl with long dark hair, and shiny hazel eyes. She had a welcoming smile on her face that quickly faded when she saw who was at her door.

Her eyes filled with sorrow as they avoided meeting Zak’s eyes.

“Uh, hi” he said gently. As soon as he saw her hundreds of memories started to flood into his mind, who she was, where he was, but most importantly what he's done.

He just started at her, not knowing what to say.

“What do you want Zak?” Marissa asked coldly, her eye’s meeting Zak's.

Zak saw the pain in her. He lifted his palm and reached for her check. She crossed her arms and awkwardly pulled away, moving her glance to the ground. “I'm, I'm so sorry.” he began to say.

Marissa cut him off quickly. “Look,” she began “Dean will be home soon, so I think it would be best if you just leave.”

Zak slowly lowered his hand away from Marissa and back to his’s side. “Oh” he said remembering her over protective older brother who never really liked Zak. If Dean knows what I did he'll snap me like a twig. Zak thought to himself.  “Just please know, I'm so sorry.”

“Goodbye Zak.” Marissa quickly said as she closed the door.

For a second he just stood there. He finally realized he lost everyone. His girlfriend, his child, and now his best friend.

He walked the dark streets of his town. He couldn't go home, not now. He just needed to think.

There was something, something important that he couldn't remember. As far as Zak knew all his memories were back. Nothing was missing, no holes or gaps. Only one. What happened in the woods? Why was my shoulder bleeding?

And with that thought he headed home to clean himself up.

Thank god his parents were still out of town or they would have freaked.

He headed up to his bathroom and just as he finished cleaning and wrapping his shoulder he remembered something, not much but a faint image of a dark man, a shadow or something. He wasn't sure, he just grabbed a piece of paper and quickly sketched what he saw.

He held the drawing up, trying to remember anything else. But all he got was a horrible feeling in his gutt. Something's not right. Zak thought still analyzing the piece of paper. This man, he’s not normal.

Zak racted brain for any information he could remember, but nothing else, he just knew there was something going on, something big!

Zak couldn't sleep, he couldn't stand the feeling of the memory on the tip of his brain, he just couldn't get it any further. It sucked that he couldn't talk to Marissa, she's been with him though all of this, and she was the one person he needed right now.

After hours of lying in his bed staring at his ceiling Zak soon jumped out of bed and out the door.

Marissa was in her bed reading a book like she always does when suddenly she heard something in the trees next to her house. She didn't think much of it so she went back to her book.

Not too long after, she heard a loud thump on a lower roof next to her window. She crept out of bed and slowly approach the window. She took a quick glance through it but she couldn't see anything.

Just as she turned around to head back to bed she heard another thump, only it was louder, closer. She quickly spun around and lifted the window up. She peeked her head out the window and was greeted by a tall boy in a old T-shirt, worn out sweatpants, and a light jacket.

“Zak!” Marissa gasped in shock. “What are you doing!?”

To Be Continued...

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