Episode 3 Welcome To The Girls Room

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Marissa had one thought when she opened the doors of her new home. “This is going to be interesting.”

When she walked inside was a small kitchen, with a living room next to it. Then in the middle of both was a old wood staircase. Marissa didn't see anyone but she heard lots of yelling. She slowly checked the only other door that was on the first floor. It lead to a big bathroom with one shower and toilet and a double sink with a large mirror that reached across both of them.

The light blue walls shook as Marissa heard a large thump come from upstairs.

Marissa quickly crept up the stairs and into a long hallway with two doors on each side that we're parallel to each other. And a large window at the end of the hallway.

Just a,s Marissa came upstairs a basketball came flying at here head. She just dodged it as she hit the ground. When she stood up she was greeted by a tall dirty blonde girl that was looking very annoyed at a tiny redhead with freckles going all down her skin. “Look what you did!” The tiny girl screeched as she pushed back her bob haircut. “You almost hit the new girl!”

The tiny girl turned to Marissa and quickly but on a smile. “Hi.” She said enthusiastically. “I'm Joy. Welcome to your first year at camp! This is Genevieve.” She said as she just turned her head towards the annoyed looking blond standing at the end of the hallway with her arms crossed. “Your going to love it here, let me show you to your room.” Joy quickly grabbed Marissa's arm and pulled her to the far room on the left. She opened the door to reveal a small room with Periwinkle walls and light wood floors. There was a old closet in the corner that matched the wooden floors, and a bed in the opposite corner. The bed matched the wood at it had a bland light pink cover that Marissa would soon change. Next to the bed was a desk and bookshelf that had a darker wood. They were not completely empty for there were a few books on them.

Marissa quickly took everything in and then turned back to Joy. “Thanks.” She began to say but Joy was soon out the door. “Wait,” Marissa began. “What about my things?” Without a answer Marissa walked over to one of her two windows on the far wall. She looked out of it and saw a large tree that was covering most of the view, but what she did see was a large empty field and woods in the distance.

Without much to see and without anything to put anyway Marissa slowly opened her door, this time looking out for any flying balls. She looked at the room across from hers and looked through the door that was a jar. There was a petite girl with a cat sweeter on and curly brown hair strung up in a ponytail curled up on her bed reading a comic book.

Marissa quickly walked across the narrow hall and into the room. “Uh hi.” Marissa said while awkwardly waving.

The girl looked up from her comic book and gave her a small smile. “Hi, you must be the other new girl. I'm Brianna.”

Marissa smiled in relief knowing that there was another new girl in the house. Also smiling in relief that Brianna seemed somewhat normal in oppose to the other two girls she has previously meet. “I'm Marissa.” She said as she joined her on her bed. “So those other girls seem a little crazy.”

Brianna let out a small laugh and then proceeded to say. “You missed the fight about the marshmallow.”

“What” Marissa asked not knowing if Brianna was kidding or not.

Brianna just smiled and said. “You kinda came late.”

“Ya” Marissa said “I got stuck in the back of the line.”

“Right, your the girl that was with the cute boy.”

Marissa blushed a little. “Well, ya. I guess Dintch is pretty cute.” Brianna looked confused as if she was talking about someone else, but before she was able to say anything Joy bursted in the room.

“Dintch? Dintch!” She said as she jumped into the conversation. “You were with Dintch?”

Marissa shot at glance at Brianna before turning back to Joy and saying. “Um well, I don't know his personally but we rode on the same Dragon over here.”

Joy’s jaw dropped as she heard the news. “Your so insanely lucky!” She complained. “Dintch is the cutest boy in the whole camp, I've been trying to talk to him for two years. This is so unfair!” She said raising her voice as if she was actually mad.

Genevieve picked her head in the bedroom and joined the conversation. “She's been crushing on Dintch for forever, she even stocks him. No wonder he won't talk to her.” She said with a smug smile as she left the room.

Joy quickly ran after her, yelling at her for telling me lies.

Marissa turned to Brianna as they laughed together. They both knew that this is going to be interesting.

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