Episode 8 Let's Began!

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Marissa woke up to the beautiful sun shining in on her through the windows. She slowly got up and threw on a oversized hoodie. She headed down stairs rubbing her eyes. In the living room was Genevieve doing sit-ups and Joy in the kitchen Making breakfast.

Joy caught a glimpse of Marissa coming down the stairs and turned to her as she flipped pancakes. “Good morning!” She said very perky. “I'm making chocolate chip pancakes.”

Genevieve gave Joy a look of disapproval. “Always chocolate chip pancakes.” She muttered to herself just loud enough for Joy to hear.

“Well at least I do something for others instead of keeping everyone up with your moaning and groaning!”

Genevieve sat up from her sit ups and stomped her foot on the ground. “It's called exercise, you should try it sometime.” She shot back.

Joy put down the spatula and turned face Genevieve. “Exercise, right, is that what Elijah calls it?” She said with a smirk.

“Okay that's it!” Genevieve runs over to Joy, probably ready to kill her but Marissa stepped in front. “Haven't we had enough fighting for a little while?”

Both girls nodded and backed down. Shortly after Brianna came down the stairs wearing a yellow blouse and a white puffy skirt with a yellow ribbon tied in her ponytail. “You look so cute!” Joy said as she reached for the ribbon.

Brianna’s eyes filled with hate and she took out her claws and scratched Joy's arm before it came near her head. “Don't touch my hair!” She ordered as Joy grabbed her arm in pain.

Her arm was red with a little nail marks but nothing she couldn't handle. “What the heck?” She asked as Brianna went over to the kitchen to eat pancakes.

Genevieve came close to Joy and looked at her arm. “Moody much?” She said and gestured to Brianna.

Joy looked at Genevieve with a glare. “Your one to talk.”

They all took a seat at the table and stared to eat. “You two have orientation with the rest of the new kids. If I remember correctly, after orientation you guys will go out to the woods and start the obstacle courses.” Joy said in her mom voice. “Good luck today, and don't be nervous.” Marissa and Brianna gave her a look that said “thanks” as they stuffed there faces with pancake. “Okay, enough chick flick moments. We better get going.”

All four girls grabbed there bags and walked out the door.

As Marissa and Brianna reached the meeting hall they Exchange nervous glances before walking into the Hall with the rest of the new kids.

Marissa looked around and tried to find Zak, but he was nowhere in sight.

They took a seat on one of long benches that was towards the front of the hall.

They sat there in silence as the looked around the large room with extremely high ceilings. The hall gave off old and new vibes at the same time.

It had beautiful carving in the wooden walls. And there were paintings Marissa knew we're old but they were so different then anything she'd ever seen before they looked new and shiny.

And then there was the ceilings. They were so tall but you could still see the paintings of a hundred Gods and Goddesses on it. It was almost like a church. There were two that almost looked like Falisha and Alisha but before Marissa could inspect them fully Mr. Whive and Mrs. Jones walked into the Hall.

Mrs. Jones golden hair was in a high bun with one curl on each side of her head falling down perfectly by her cheekbones. And was wearing a gorgeous white dress that almost touched the floor. Mr. Whive came in the hall looking less impressive. He had on a flannel and a pair of old jeans with cowboy boots. His hair was slick back.

He reached the podium and began to speak. “Welcome again. We hope you all settled in your houses nicely and made friends with your housemates.”

Mrs. Jones moved to the podium takeing over. “We have lots of fun for you all. We hope your all as excited as we are.” She gave a great big smile and continued. “While your here you will find out that not every God of Goddesses is the same. You all have unique powers and will be better at things that others aren't, or you might not possess certain powers that other might. Because of this we will start the day off with a evaluation test in the woods. And you'll be put into groups that you'll be training with these next couple months. Of course these groups can be changed because as you grow and learn so will your powers.” She gave another big smile and let everyone out of the hall and into the woods.

Zak woke up to the sound of ruffling leaves and kid’s chatter. He walked over to see all the new kids walking on a path. Dang it. Hr thought. I'm missing orientation. With that thought he krept towards the group hopping he wasn't too late to join. He only stopped when he saw Marissa walking next to Brianna. His stomach sank a little but he knew he had to join the group.

He krept over and ran to hid in the back of the group. A few kids looked at him but just ignored him. He made sure to stay out if Marissa's view.

Eventually they reached a part of the woods that they were going to be evaluated in.

There were obstacle courses in the trees, ropes hanging from everywhere, wooden planks with hinges sticking up from the ground, and a dozen other awesome things.

Mr. Whive turned and looked at all of them “Let's began!”

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