Mistrust takes over

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Trophy's POV

I knew I shouldn't have trusted them, they used me and was just gonna leave me?! Do they KNOW who I am?! Trophy Gold! I'm hot, a legend, I'm amazing, some people too stupid or too nerdy to know that. Whatever, I'm out and there's nothing to stop me from getting my revenge, and I'm getting Soap back one way or another. But for now I have to spend the night with these dipsticks. At least there might be a room for myself.

Trophy: Well guys we escaped successfully, I'm going to the best bedroom there is in this house, so don't bother me, ever! *leaves*

Screwdriver: Why did you save him again?

Wrench: Because I can't stand to see people suffer.... *sighs* even if they're awful

Mallet: We know, your a really guy and you couldn't and shouldn't change that about yourself

Chainsaw: But you can't become a pushover, some people just need to get what they deserve

Wrench: But Trophy could've been there forever, they don't exactly let people out you know

Screwdriver: *sighs* He's right, even if Trophy is an annoying jerk, nobody deserves to be there

Chainsaw: Especially the chair

Mallet: That's the worst one in the building!!

Wrench: It's awful!

Screwdriver: That hole place is awful

Wrench: It's traumatizing

Mallet keep it together guys, we're free

Wrench: But it doesn't feel like it😔

Screwdriver: Mallet, even though we're free we forgot who we use to be

Chainsaw: That's what they do, once you go in you never come back out the same

Mallet: Lives are ruined there

Screwdriver: *sighs* Trophy doesn't even know how lucky he is to still remember who he is😐

Trophy's POV

This place is dark and lame but it's cool I guess, at least I found a room for myself. The room is probably bigger and cooler looking than the others. I bet they're still looking for something to lay on when I have an awesome soft bed to sleep on.

Trophy jumps on the bed only to feel anything but comfortable

Trophy: Ouch! Ewh, this thing is disgusting!

Trophy: The first thing I'm gonna have Soap do after I get her back is to make her clean this!

Trophy: *thinks* I know he's got my babe, she's mine, and she still loves me~ all the girls do~. Why wouldn't~ they? I'm perfect~ no one can do better than me. If Soap thinks that guy who always fights with himself is cooler than me~ than she's blind and crazy~..... no~, she's just going through a faze, or being ignorant. I'll think of a fresh plan tomorrow~...

Trophy didn't get a lot of sleep that night laying on an old dirty roting bed all night. And feelings anything but great, or refreshed. Once he got out of bed and and came by with the others where they were all exactly sitting. Except they were in sleeping bags.

Trophy: Where did you get those?!

Chainsaw: Shut up

Mallet: Really Trophy? It's 4 in the morning

Trophy: So? None of you are sleeping

Screwdriver: We meant it's too early for you to harass us, idiot😐

Trophy: Just give me a bag😒

Chainsaw: Get one yourself

Screwdriver: Will you guys keep it down? Wrench is sleeping😐


Mallet: Why do you want one

Trophy: because the bed is disgusting!  I deserve better!😡

Wrench: > ~ <

Screwdriver: What did I just say?😠

Mallet: That's because this is an abandon house, not a five star hotel😒


Chainsaw: Trophy just go look for something to sleep on

Trophy: *groans* *walks away*

Mallet: It's the first time in years he's sleeping well

Screwdriver: Yes, him having nightmares every night. I can't even imagine how that feels

Chainsaw: Hopefully he gets all the rest needs

Trophy's POV

Ugh! I sleep on an old disgusting bed for hours and they can't even give me a bag. If there isn't any more, then they should just give me all their beds. Whatever, I have better things to do, like getting my girlfriend back. It obvious nobody can better than me, all I have to do is make Yin-Yang look like a bad guy. But how?

Trophy thinks for a minute and gets an idea. He grabbed his phone out, being a little dirty from the mud but just as working how it was.

And he calls Tune

To be continued

I know it took me longer than ever, but school got me rapped up tight on work. And ObjectFans I know I said Tune would be in this chapter, but it's already long enough as it is. I'm really sorry for keeping you waiting.😓

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