Restful Slumber

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Soap's POV

I wake up to find myself in in Yin-Yang's arms, a hug, no, not just a hug. I knew this might happen if I went back to the sleeping bag with them, but I didn't think of this happening, their arms around me with my hand on his chest. And our foreheads touching ecah other and our lips, just only a few inches from touching ecah others. This maybe as close you can get with your crush... is that right? No. Yin-Yang isn't just a simple crush I have, but my love. And I'm enjoying it so much I don't ever want him to let go of me, but then I remembered he's asleep has their eyes started to flutter open. I'm so scared they might jerk back making this awkward, but they don't, instead they pull me in closer with our lips just so close to touching. I really can't help but blush, but when he pulled me closer to him, it looks as if he fell back to sleep, and I'm sure he did. At this point I couldn't move away without waking them, this is the first/best and most awkward and in some what scary. And I love it, there's no point in holding back my blush, I close my eyes but I couldn't really sleep for a while, and once I started to doze off, I was waken by Yin-Yang's movements.

Yin-Yang: *wakes up* .... 0/////0

Soap: *wakes up* hm~?

Yin-Yang: *blushes hard*

Soap: *falls back asleep*

Yin's POV

I-I can't stop blushing, I feel really hot my face is burning! How can we be so close?! She is with Trophy........ isn't she? I, don't know anything more, I feel my heart is racing I don't know how long it took to slow down. But as much as I probably should pull away, I can't, I don't really know what's going on about Trophy and her, but I can't pull away from her, even if I have to, I still can't do it. And I don't want to and I know Yang doesn't either, because what I noticed was that he started gently rubbed her cheek and playing with her hair.

Btw ObjectFans, don't worry, I haven't forgotten about your request, it should be in next chapter, or after that one.😊

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