When my suspicions Take over

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Lotion's POV (Soap's mom)

Heh,😏 My daughter is always been asking me about that Yem-John boy, she really likes that boy, I like him too, but his father is a complete pain in the neck! And I've only known there parents for a day. My parents didn't necessarily like my husband now and vice versa, so I told her what she wanted, it was probably that old laptop from under their bed. They always keep it there but no one really knows why. "If your talking about the laptop under the bed, no one knows why they keep it there sweetie."😏 "Oh, um, thanks mom!" *Soap smiles* Lotion started. It's getting pretty late, you should go to bed before it gets too dark. Soap started. "But it's only 7:23 pm, we're not even cooked dinner yet, and dad is in the other room waiting for dinner." *Lotion smirks*

Soap's POV

For some reason, my mom made me go to bed hours early after I asked her about Yin-Yang. I sat on my bed, just staring at my window this the door closed, and the lights off, having nothing but the moon light to shine up my room. I get up from my bed and opened my window. "I can't believe I'm doing this." I said to myself and went out. I know where the hospital is and I can walk there, but I'm gonna need help from at least one friend I can count on. *calls Microphone*

Microphone: Yeah Soap?

Soap: I need your help.

Microphone: with what?

Soap: well, there's a laptop I need to get from the hospital, will you help please.

Microphone: I dunno Soap, I'm about to have dinner.

Microphone: plus, I can't just sneek out.

Soap: but Mic, this is a crisis, I fear that Yang is depressed!

Soap: besides, you've snuck out a few times before

Microphone: *sighs* I'll be there, where are you right now?

Soap: I'm just outside the window of my room.

Microphone: Okay, bye

Soap: bye *hang up and waits for Microphone*

(With Yin-Yang)

Yang's POV

Ying-Yang always got noisy when ever we would keep secrets from them, Ying tells us things right away, whether it would be late at night, or early how it is. Yang is like me, but he is lazy cousin....But I don't know why I bother not tell them secret, so Yin and I tell them.

Yin's POV

Finley we will tell them what happened. Yin started. "Well, we be in hospital awhile and-" Yin got cut off by Yang. "That is not important part! Our dad called Yin and I weak and I yell at him, and now we not allowed back home." Taoism was shocked of what they heard, it was quiet fora minute until Ying spoke. "Oh...well, you guys can live with us. Ying said childishly smiling.

Yin-Yang: really?!

Taoism: *nods*

Microphone's POV

I hangup not knowing exactly what to do..but sneaking out crazy, I may of done it before, but I never like that feeling that something will go wrong, you'll get caught eventually, your in major trouble if you keep doing this! Kinda feeling. I just brung my dinner to bed and snuck the my window after putting a of me fake dummy I got at Walmart to pretend to sleep, incase my mom comes in or something. I walked over to Soap's house to see where she said she was. Just standing, there waiting for me. "So, what did you need me for so badly?"

Soap's POV

Wow, she came as lot faster than I thought she would have, although me and Mic live in the same neighborhood, but our houses aren't very close, and we don't live in the same street as each other. Soap started. "Oh, that was quick, anyways I'll tell you while we get there"..."Alright." Mic said.

This maybe the longest chapter I've made.😫 I'm sure you guys got tired of them being short, but don't expect another one like this, I made this twice as long that then other chapters. I just need a break for a few days.


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