Chapter 1

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"I cannot believe they forgot," Rainbow muttered to herself. "I thought they were my true friends." She slumped over in sadness, devastated over her friends forgetting about her birthday. It was one of the most momentous occasions through the whole year, and they FORGOT?

Dash couldn't believe it. She decided to buy herself some cake and party treats, so she headed to Sugarcube Corner. They had the best bakery goods in Ponyville!

Rainbow pushed the door to the bakery open with her foreleg, only to be engulfed in darkness once the door closed. "What? Why is it dark in here? Can somepony turn on the-"

Out of the blue, the lights turned on to reveal dozens of ponies gathered in the small shop!

"SURPRISE!" everypony shouted in unison.

"W-what is this for?" Dash gasped, ecstatic that her friends had remembered.

"Your birthday, of course, silly!" Pinkie Pie shouted above the crowd. She was making her way over to Rainbow Dash, eager to greet the birthday pony.

"Pinkie, this is amazing!" Rainbow admired.

"Amazing is my specialty!" Pinkie said, jumping with joy.

"I can see." Rainbow was still gaping at the beautiful decorations, exquisite cake, and fancy presents.

"LET'S DO PRESENTS FIRST," Pinkie shouted, proud of her new idea.

"I'm fine with that," Dash retorted, smiling at the huge stack of gifts. She eagerly bounded over to the piled-high stack.

"Before you open those sugarcube," a country-tinted voice spoke, "all of us got you a special present."

Dash's face lit up as Fluttershy handed her an envelope, and Rainbow took it in her teeth. She eagerly tore it open, wanting to see what was inside.

Rainbow was confused when all she pulled out of the envelope was a ticket. "Um, guys," Rainbow asked, looking puzzled, "why is there a ticket in here?"

"Read what's on it!" Pinkie excitedly shouted. "What a doof."

"Hey." Rainbow murmured. Following Pinkie's instructions, she carefully read what was printed on the ticket.

Cloudsdale. 2 weeks stay at Rainbow Inn.

"YOU'RE GOING TO CLOUDSDALE!" Pinkie ecstatically shouted.


Here's chapter 1! Sorry it's so short; I'm not a long writer. XD Well, I'm on a snow day! So so happy!

I have a boring life. Don't forget to comment, vote, etc. Thanks! ◡̈


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