Soarindash: love and Loyalty part 3

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When Rainbow Dash finally recovers from her fatal state and injuries she was back on her feet. But as she goes to her locker she waited for Soarin. Then when Soarin arrived he said, "hey Crash." Rainbow Dash said as she blushed, "what's up Clippers" Soarin chuckles and said, "n..nothing much...Crash...I..I mean Dash...WHOA!!.." *he slipped on the floor as Rainbow Dash laughed knowing full well he was nervous." Rainbow Dash gave his hand before saying, "man your real hilarious Clippers...but seriously what's up?" Soarin blushed and said as he looked away, "well...I was wondering if you like to...go out with me sometime?...for flight practice I mean.." Fleetfoot said as she gasped happily, " I hearing you ask Rainbow out?" Rainbow didn't pay attention to Fleetfoot and said smiling, "sure...I love to." Rainbow then walked off before Soarin smiled. Fleetfoot said happily, "I can't believe what I was hearing you were trying to ask Crash out on a date?" Soarin swallowed nervously as he said, "wweeelllllll....yes...I was.." Fleetfoot said, "oh my Gosh you have a crush on Crash...and I'm not the only one who hears it." Pinkie Pie came out with Spitfire, AppleJack (who doesn't care what this is about), Thunderlane, Derpy, Twilight,and Fluttershy. Pinkie hoped and said happily as she squealed, "EEEEEEEEEKKKKK!!!!....Dashie and Soarin it's so wonderful." Spitfire said, "well Wonderful thing for two Wonderbolts." Applejack shrugged and said, "well....can't say I'm not very mighty happy for R.D."  Twilight said, "well we all have a soulmate...and I already have sights on a boy." *she sees Flash delivering a message to Spitfire and smiles and blushes before turning away.* Twilight giggles and said, "you still free tonight?" Flash replied, "yeah I still am your highness." Later in the evening Rainbow Dash was at the training grounds waiting for Soarin. Rainbow said, "I haft to admit Soarin was so sweet to invite me to flight practice with him". Then on cue Soarin landed on the ground and said, "hey Crash you ready for flight practice?" Rainbow nodded firmly as she prepared her wings for flight and then they flew across the sky. Rainbow and Soarin laughed every time they bumped into each other and they would blush a bright pink every time they fly next to each other and they fly smile every time they see one another fly. When they finished flying they laughed and smiled. Soarin suddenly asked with a blush, "hey Crash?" Rainbow replied, "yes Clippers?...what's up?" Soarin confessed to her, "Crash...I wanted to tell you something important...well...I...I love you Crash." Rainbow Dash begin to blush and looked into Soarins eyes as her eyes sparkle like the stars at night. Rainbow then smiled as she hugged Soarin and said, "I love you too Clippers" Soarin smiled. Then as the stars of Equestria shined so bright as Princess Luna Soarin and Rainbow Dash kissed underneath the night stars and the moon.

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