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"please fucking kill me" jungkook moans horrifyingly, burying himself into yoongi's (it used to be his also, so he can take credit) couch.

"i mean. . .you could still salvage things? it's not as bad as you think guk-ah" yoongi pats his hair after hearing jungkook tell his embarassing encounter on his first day being roommates with jimin.

"hyung- no hyung you don't understand! i said he looked horrible when he actually looked like a goddess, an angel sent from heaven, a porcelain doll, so fucking beautiful and pretty and what the fuck he cooked me dinner too? and hyung! he wasn't even mad, he just greeted me and told me to eat dinner before it gets cold and i just oh my god, i can't believe i said something so. . .so!" jungkook rubs his face pitifully, yoongi rolling his eyes jokingly.

"i didn't thought you would be this whipped but listen you fucking idiot, he's not mad at you. damn right you are when you said jimin is an angel, just take him out for dinner or like cook for him today so that you guys can properly greet each other" jungkook ponders about it for a moment before jumping off the couch, thanking yoongi before going out of the house, padding back to his own apartment.

"oh, hey jungkook" jimin is at the kitchen counter, sipping a glass of milk when jungkook enters the house, flashing a small smile at the black haired. jungkook closes the door behind him before walking into the kitchen, fiddling with his fingers.

"hey hyung," his hand flies up to his nape, rubbing it nervously, "um about yesterday, i really didn't mean to say what i said. it-"

"no, no it's okay jungkook-ah, i mean i did look pretty messed up since i just came from practice"

"okay but it still wasn't nice so, i was thinking if you wanted to grab dinner with me? or i could cook for you. we haven't really met properly, i must say, it's been abrupt with all the moving and shifting and i left a horrible impression yesterday so please let me make it up to you" jimin couldn't resisnt the big, doe eyes looking at him pleadingly, like a kicked puppy and he's not really sure if he's still alive right now because his heart is slamming repeatedly against his ribcage.

"okay, but i don't wanna go out so you can just cook dinner for us? i'll help!" jimin giggles, rendering jungkook awestruck and even more in love than he already is (no he is not in love, christ you read that wrong), "sure, jimin hyung"

they decide on carbonara, which according to jungkook, he's the greatest at cooking it so jimin just sits on the counter, watching the other take the pasta and sauces out, placing it along with other ingredients on the counter that jimin had already took out.

"you're a youtuber right?" jungkook starts, eventhough he knows jimin is but he doesn't want to embarass himself further by saying he watches jimin's videos every night because what the hell?

"yup! you too right?" at the hum, jimin smiles "cool, we can film together sometime" the blonde suggests and jungkook looks over, flashing a grin with a "sure hyung, i bet my fans would go crazy over you"

"says the one" jimin pokes his shoulder with a finger and jimin looks so ridiculously tiny, jungkook's heart squeezes with warmth. he brings a finger that has sauce smeared on it and swipes it across jimin's apple cheeks, earning a squeal of surprise, "yah! you brat!" they end up running around the kitchen, the tension and awkward air dissipating easily as if it wasn't even there in the first place and both males are so thankful, considering the fact that they are living together, they don't want to be uncomfortable with each other.

once their laughters dies down, jungkook puts in the pasta and stirs it, adding the extra ingredients and jimin watches from the side, humming appreciatively, "i didn't know you could cook"

"well we just met jimin" jungkook chuckles and jimin huffs, "well you look all so tough and manly in your videos but then in reality you're just a dork, and a brat at that too" jimin shies away from his swats and laughs, only stopping when a smirk grows on jungkook's lips, "what?"

"you watch my videos? you said i looked and i quote "all tough and manly" which means-" now it's jimin's turn to hit him, jabbing at his sides that has jungkook squirming, throwing his head back as laughters wrecks his body.

"shut up! it's not wrong to watch your videos. you just keep popping up on my dashboard and then i saw the amount of subscribers you have and started watching your videos, that's not bad isn't it" jungkook hums, swirling some of the pasta onto a fork to try it, "i wanna try too" jungkook hands him the fork but jimin is settling himself back onto the counter so jungkook swirls some before bringing it to jimin, wanting to give it to his hands but jimin already parted his lips, making jungkook's breath hitch a little as he brings the food up to jimin's mouth, heart palpitating so bad he thinks jimin might have heard it if he didn't moan at the taste of jungkook's pasta.

"you're cooking me this everyday" jungkook shakes his head, stepping away and turning off the stove, transfering the pasta onto two plates, jimin placing their cups and utensils before bringing the two plates out while jungkook washes the pan, settling in his seat once he's done.

"so, what kind of videos do you usually make?" jimin asks after they got into the food, jungkook swallowing his food before looking up, "shouldn't i be the one asking you that? you said you watch my videos surely you'll know what they're about?"

"ah well, i do make up videos. sometimes i vlog, and then other times i post dance covers but i mainly post make up tutorials and reviews so yeah, it might be boring for you" jungkook really justs wants to say "oh please, do you know how many times i scream over your videos? how many times i lost sleep just because you posted something new at the most random hours but like you're my number one priority so huh? sleep? never heard of that" but he bites down on his tongue and instead, "i watch your videos sometimes, but i still don't get why you make up enthusiasts can spend over three hours at sephora and over thousands on beauty products but i mean you look really pretty, not that you're not now, but you look more flawless? and beautiful so- oh my god i just said that out loud didn't i? i'm sorry, i didn't mean it" jimin raises a brow and jungkook is two seconds from shooting himself, "i mean i meant it but i didn't mean for it to come out that way? i just-um i" jungkook stops himself and stares eyes wide when jimin starts giggling, bringing his tiny hand up to cover his mouth as his body shakes with laughter.

"hey, i complemented you! you didn't have to laugh at me" jungkook stuffs the carbonara into his mouth with a pout, grunting when jimin still laughs softly, eventually coming to a stop, "thank you kook-ah, i'm flattered that you actually watch my videos and said i look pretty" he looks kind of shy, a hint of pink on his cheeks and jungkook desperately wants to hold those cheeks in his palm and pepper kisses over them but he pinches his thighs, burning those images away from his mind.

"you are deeply in love with him" taehyung supplies unhelpfully when jungkook barges into their apartment, thankful both are still clothed and are just cuddling together, screaming at both of them about jimin's new dance cover, "hyungs, i actually am talking from my grave since jimin killed me but it's all good, i'm all good, he likes torturing me, i always-"

"shut the fuck up bitch" jungkook narrows his eyes at taehyung and the boy sighs, cuddling closer to his boyfriend, "just confess your undying love already, what's the worst that can happen? the worst is actually jimin rejecting you but you know what they say, go big or go home man"

"oh thanks man, that totally helped me! it totally motivated me! i can't believe you're such a genius hyung, yoongi hyung is so lucky to have you" jungkook rolls his eyes and flips both them a middle finger to which were ignored as the couple blissfully watched the drama on the tv.

"hyung! fucking help me, god sake i'm-"

"we're going to fuck so either you leave or watch us i don't really care but i've been horny and you came at the wrong timing jungkook-ah" jungkook pulls a disgusted face before sprinting out, slamming their door close when yoongi starts taking his clothes off, stomping back into his apartment petulantly.

"for my eyes, i'm going to use the abh modern renaissance palette, which, by the way, is my favourite for now because like, look at this baby" jungkook halts in his steps and gapes as he watches jimin record for his weekly make up videos, throat suddenly parch as jimin applies a shade from the palette to his eyes, slowly blending it out, the lights from the sides of his vanity mirror making the whole set bright, giving jungkook a clear view of what jimin's putting on. the blonde had set up his shooting area and took the side nearest to the window for his videos because according to jimin, "we need the sun's help sometime jungkook" winking before resuming to place his brushes and products in place.

jimin turns and makes a sound when he sees jungkook, "i didn't hear you come in" jungkook took small steps to the vanity, breath shortening the closer he gets to jimin and jimin smiles before continuing to add different shades to his eyes, throwing in comments so that it wouldn't be so silent eventhough he will edit some parts out.

"hyung, you smudged your lips" just as jimin sets down his eyeshadow brush, he turns to jungkook, "huh?" he had applied lipstick earlier and thought it was perfectly fine but apparently not.

he turns his head again to look at his face when a hand cradles his jaw, entering the view of the camera right in front of jimin's face and jimin's eyes flicks up to jungkook as the black haired grazed his thumb against the side of jimin's lips, trying to rub the smudged lipstick away, hand firmly holding jimin's jaw in place. jimin's cheeks burns a pretty pink, watches as jungkook focuses on removing the stain, "done" he breathes out and realises what he's doing, taking a step back and removing his hand from jimin's face, "i'm so sorry! the smudge was just distracting so i-"

"shut up jungkook"

there's a smile on jimin's face, the one that literally takes jungkook's breath away painstakingly, making him melt at the sight and he does as told, lips clamping together.

i'm so fucking weak for him.

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