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jeon jungkook is coping well with life.

he has a luxurious shared apartment smack in the middle in the heart of seoul, has an increasing amount of his four million subscribers on youtube daily, is in a good university, taking subjects that he has interests in, eats good food all the time and all that shit in jungkook's dictionary.

so imagine when he hears the name "park jimin", also could be known as jeon jungkook's social media boy crush, according to jungkook's dictionary (because he is not obsessed with said male??? of course, who do you think he is) tumbling out of his room mate's mouth along with the glass that is now clanked to the floor, water spilling out of it as it paints the tiles.


"what? and also, clean the mess you made jesus christ i know your crush for him is bigger than your love for iron man but damn, chill" jungkook gasps, eyes crossed as he stomps to grab a cloth, "i am not obsessed with him!"

"did i say you were?" yoongi sighs, getting up from the couch to head to his room, not wanting to hear jungkook's bullshit of a talk on how he doesn't have a crush the size of jupiter for social media's cutie named park jimin.

he is not obsessed.

really, it's normal to have a crush on someone famous isn't it? jimin is attractive, of course he will attract people, like jungkook. so jungkook's ritual of watching at least ten of jimin's vlogs and the ridiculously twenty minutes make up videos the youtuber has uploaded before sleeping daily (which he rarely gets because again, jimin's videos are more important. sleep? what is that?) is normal to him. how is that obsessive? the way he will have heart in his eyes whenever jimin vlogs about his days, the sunshine smile radiating off his face, or the way jungkook will get flustered whenever jimin dances or, whenever his throat feel parched everytime he sees jimin putting on make up, making his flawless porcelain face even more flawless, heart squeezing everytime.

"i am not obsessed with him" it's stupid really, no one's listening to his own false accusation other than himself as he wipes the water off the floor but he still has the pout on his lips as his heart still hasn't calmed down ever since yoongi said the blonde's name.

jungkook is obsessed. period.

"taehyung there is literally no one who is keen enough to share this apartment with me. most of them said it's because of the rent" jimin whines as he flops down beside the said male who is texting on his phone, a dumb smile on his face which jimin doesn't even want to ask why.

"can you like, fucking give me one second of your attention?" taehyung gives a dreadful long sigh before he switches his phone off, turning to give a look at his friend. "okay point taken. so? jimin, i told you already, yoongi's room mate can be my replacement" taehyung throws his hands up, exasperated as he shakes jimin's shoulders the next second.

"well fine! do i have name? like do you know him? do i know him? christ tae, you're moving out in two days yet you haven't even told the guy yet, how will he have time to pack his things?"

"first of all, you have to calm down. second of all, he has already start packing, i actually told yoongi that his room mate will be the one replacing me because if it were you, you won't find one until the next century. the people who pay the rent and live in this apartment is for a reason, right? thirdly, fuck i feel like i'm giving a lecture, his name is jungkook" jimin ends up laughing as taehyung throws a pillow at him, grumbling about how he isn't being grateful and jimin relents, nodding his head while still shaking off his laughters until taehyung's words registers in his brain.

"did you just say jungkook?"

"bitch did i stutter?" jimin holds his middle finger up, "as in jeon jungkook? the youtuber who has like four million people following his ass and all? that jungkook?"

"yes love, that jungkook" taehyung rolls his eyes, switching his phone on again when he hears the notification sound ding in. there's suddenly something weird in the air, taehyung can sense it. jimin's being unusually quiet now, taehyung turning to see that his best friend is staring at him agape.

"what's wrong?" jimin blinks at him a few times before taking huge breaths of air, almost as if he's hyperventilating which makes taehyung's eyes go wide as he straightens up in his seat.

"yah park jimin, what the fuck is wrong with you? hey!"

"jungkook. . .fuck taehyung, jeon jungkook? moving in with me? oh hell no, i'm migrating. good bye, adios, have a great life with yoongi i'm packing my stuff" jimin jumps off the couch, locking himself in his bedroom and ignoring taehyung's shouts of his name.

"what the fuck?" taehyung frowns as he turns back around, mind reeling to link jeon jungkook and what he does to park jimin until he chokes, loud laughter and cackles falling out his lips as he remembers all the times jimin screamed and squealed when jungkook uploads his videos, everytime he's so lost into jungkook's voice when he uploads song covers that he forgets everything but jungkook, jungkook, jungkook and all the times he had stayed up till late just to watch jungkook's vlogs which to taehyung isn't even that interesting but god, don't say that infront of jimin or you'll get a list of things on why jeon jungkook is the world's greatest human being alive (in jimin's eyes, honestly)

"oh god, this is gold" taehyung says loudly as he wipes a tear from laughing too hard, the "fuck you!" he heard from jimin's room making him doubling over in laughter once again.

"aw jiminie, you look as if i'm leaving forever, you live two doors down babe don't you worry your pretty little head" jimin scoffs but his arms never let go around taehyung, hiding his face in taehyung's shoulder. "shut the fuck up, i still hate you" he mumbles, making taehyung chuckle.

"ah what is this?" jimin jumps at the new voice, breaking away from the brown haired to see yoongi standing at the doorway, taking off his shoes. "jimin here is just over dramatic about the fact that i'm not living with him from now on" yoongi flashes both of them a smile as he enters, laughing at jimin's sulky expression.

"don't worry, jungkook's a great company, you won't feel bored. also, taehyung and i live literally two doors down so knock on our door anytime"

"unless we're fucking?" that earns taehyung a slap on his ass, the horrified look on the blonde haired face saying it all about how he feels. "i am disgusted"

"don't know him either" yoongi says and smirks when taehyung pouts, going behind the male to wrap his arms around him. "whatever, i'm leaving"

"just a heads up, jungkook usually ends class around four or five and then goes to the studio to practice so he'll probably be back around seven at most" jimin nods, walking to the door to put on his shoes, talking a little bit more before waving off to the both of them and entering back into his apartment, suddenly empty of laughters but full of boxes.

eventhough all of jungkook's things have been moved, jimin have never actually met him yet, since the boy usually sends his things at weird hours in the morning so it's more nerve-wrecking knowing this is the first day they'll officially become room mates.

lets leave out the part about jimin's crush on the black haired which could swallow up the earth.

just as jimin finished cooking and setting up the table, he hears the front door beeping open, revealing a tall and lean male, who is ridiculously good looking even with his hair messily hiding under his beanie, earpiece dangling from his phone as he closes the door back before looking up, frozen in his spot just as jimin was.

"you must be jungkook"

"you look horrible" what a fucking idiot, jeon jungkook.

how does one kills himself from embarassment? jungkook's asking for a friend.

he's the friend.

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