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oh my god it IS JK KSLSKSK


jimin and jeongguk dating??? I THINK THE FUCK YES

holy fuck the way jimin looks at him, if they don't date THIS INSTANT

lol all this comments. . .jimin's probably straight and y'all be popping off like that huh

to jimin's surprise, his latest video has surpassed five million views, just because jungkook was mentioned, and his follower count has been increasing more quickly, almost reaching the four million mark soon.

"kook-ah, i think my viewers like you more already" jimin pouts as jungkook turns from his study table, raising one brow at his baby. "what can i say, people like me easily" he chuckles and jimin sits up from his laying position on jungkook's bed, throwing one the pillows to his face, jungkook raising his hands to avoid the hit, laughing teasingly.

"when are you recording your next video?" jimin shrugs, "i haven't think of a new video content yet" jungkook hums, pushing himself closer to his boyfriend with the chair, carding a hand through the male's soft locks. "how about a 'my boyfriend does my make up' or 'my boyfriend chooses my make up' video" he sees jimin's eyes lighting up at the suggestion, a smile forming on his lips.

"you just want an excuse to be in my video don't you?" jungkook grins, pressing a kiss to jimin's cheek before going back to his table, "that way people know you're mine now. . ." he hears jimin snort and rolls his eyes although there's a smile tugging on his lips.

"okay then i'll go with the idea of you doing my make up, how about we film tomorrow before going to class? you better do a good job because i'll be in school the whole day" jungkook nods without even looking, already absorbed in his study and soon jimin gets up too and saunters off to start his own assignments.

"i'm already beginning to think that this is a bad idea- jungkook! that's my blending sponge oh my god. do you even know how to do this?" jungkook laughs as jimin finally enters the camera frame after setting it up. they're sitting at jimin's vanity area, the lights blinding.

"i watch your make up tutorials religiously baby, i think i'm okay" jimin narrows his eyes in disbelief but turns to the camera in the next second. "hi guys! as you all know, or have guessed, this is jungkook! and he's my room mate-"

"boyfriend!" jimin laughs despite glaring at the male next to him, "yes boyfriend. . .and today he's going to be the one doing my make up! i hope i'll look at least presentable for today once this ends but anyways, lets get started!"

"you've put on your toner already right?" jimin nods, jungkook rummaging through the many tubes of foundation, concealer, gloss and others till he finds the primer and squeezes a little on his palm. "i'm going to use this primer by fenty beauty on my baby since it smells good" he gently dabs the product on the brown haired face, pulling himself closer. "okay! next, your brows. hmm you don't really go bold on those so i'll just do it lightly. come here" he holds jimin's face in his hand, turning it to make it easy for him and gently draws his brows, letting out a satisfied sound when he didn't mess up.

"next, i'll be using fenty beauty's foundation in the shade. . .110" he squeezes it onto his hand before taking the blending sponge and putting little dots all over his face, laughing softly. "wait do you just use the sponge or a brush?"

"you choose baby, i'm not gonna say anything" jungkook looks at the sponge in his hands and then the collection of brushes on the desk, going through it to find the foundation brush before giving up, "i think the sponge is fine" jimin muffles a soft laugh as the other starts blending in the foundation onto his face, down to his neck and turns his face side to side to make sure everything is covered. the younger continues with concealer and setting powder before putting on the eyeshadow primer, "what are going to do for my eyeshadow?"

the male looks through the collection of eyeshadow palettes jimin has and lets out an 'aha!' when he finds the one he's planning on using today. "alright, since jimin and i are wearing nude colours, i've decided to go for a nude look today. i'll be using this soft glam palette from abh"

"i've seen you do this" jungkook smiles teasingly before he starts opening the palette and takes the brush, "i'm going to start with this shade first, burnt orange, honestly how the fuck do they name these things" he blends the colour into the crease, trying to make a winged look eventhough it's his first time, "close your eyes babe, i'm going to take a little of the shade sienna and i'm going to blend it with the first one. next i'm going to take this" he shows the colour to the camera before continuing, "mulberry, and i'm just going to. . .hmm this isn't bad at all"

"just get on with it you dork" jungkook shushes him and gets a punch in the chest, almost dropping the palette in his hands. "oh my god, did anything break?"

"you!- you just punched me and the only thing you asked is if your palette is okay? fuck you"

"priorities kook" jungkook gasps dramatically but continues his work when jimin closes his eyes again, "we're going to use this shade next, sultry, and i don't know why jimin does this but he takes the setting spray and sprays the brush with it so i'm going to do the same"

"the colour will turn out better" jungkook nods his head in understanding eventhough jimin can't see and starts applying it on the other's eyes, then applying the first two shade to the undereye, before completing the other eye.

"damn baby, you look good" jimin doesn't want to see until jungkook is done with everything so jungkook carries on with the highlight, taking the abh sunkissed glow kit and a brush, "i think i'll go with this for the highlight, moonstone" he shows it to the camera briefly and dips the brush a couple of times before putting it on jimin. "oh my god guys, this shade is sex" jungkook uses his annoyingly high pitched voice, trying to imitate what jimin always says when he applies his makeup, earning another punch which makes his laugh.

"yes, almost done. next, i'm going to use gloss from again, abh, in the shade bronze" jungkook gently applies the gloss on jimin's thick lips, licking his own once he finishes because the gloss makes jimin's lips more tempting than they already are. fuck, he thinks as he bites his lips before snapping out of it when he remembers the camera still rolling.

"okay baby, lastly is your setting spray. i'll use the urban decay one since you said it's your favourite one recently" he spritzes a couple of times before standing up and loudly claps his hands. jimin opens his eyes slowly and turns to the large mirror, gaping a little at the results. "is there anything you can't do?" he stands up and goes nearer to the other, wrapping his arms around jungkook's neck as he pecks his lips, "thank you, you made me so pretty kook" he feels jungkook's arms tightens around his waist.

"you're always pretty min, with or without make up" jimin smiles so brightly that his eyes curves up and jungkook's heart aches beautifully. he pulls jungkook down with him to sit back amd faces the camera again. "so that was it, kook made me look pretty guys, look at this" he angles his face in many ways, jungkook just staring at him fondly till he stops.

"anyways, that's it for today. i hope you guys enjoyed this video. subscribe for more content like this and i'll try to make my baby appear on my video more often if you want. that doesn't mean i'll throw away all my previous content, i'll still make the same tutorial videos, vlogs and dance covers so please don't just expect jungkook everytime or you can just head over to his channel instead. bye!" both of them waves enthusiastically before jimin ends the recording, laughing softly.

"our first class starts in an hour, wanna get breakfast?" jimin hums as he shuts his camera off and places it on the table, ruffling his hair in front of the mirror as jungkook joins beside him, carding back his hair as well because it's growing too long and he hasn't find a time to go for a hair cut yet. "you look good with your curly hair kook ah" jungkook looks at jimin through the glass and grins, pecking his cheek.

they grab their bags and head out of the apartment, jungkook locking their fingers together as they walk down to the carpark. jungkook drives them to a cafe near their campus. familiar faces greets them when they got out of the car and head into the cafe since many students frequent the said cafe. when they started wearing colour coordinated clothings like many couples do, many students began speculating whether or not they were dating but now, it's normal for them when they see both male walking down the hallways together, most of them gushing over how good they look together.

once they had a light breakfast, they slowly started strolling into campus, taehyung and yoongi meeting them in the hallway along with the rest of their friends. jimin went over to his locker to take out his books when a folded note slipped out once he opens the metal frame. he picks it up and opens it, freezing at the words on the note.

you'll regret for ever taking jungkook away from me.

hello! ahh do people even read this story anymore ): anyways i love writing this since i've always had this prompt so i hope you guys will be happy with it. love you!

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