•Beauty, Success, Love•

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But we all try so hard... for what? Perfection? But, do we wait and ask ourselves: What is perfection?

We all strive for something. Anything. We want to be beautiful, sucsessful, in love. But what are those things to us? What are we really working towards?


Beauty is a bittersweet subject. On one hand, you could be a beautiful person. On the other, you could be considered ugly. We define beauty by what society and social norms say. At least, most of us do. Others define beauty in their own way, having their own preference to what and who they see as attractive.
---When you use society, (Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr), as a way to set your standards for what you see as beauty, your views aren't going to be your own. First of all: who began to set those standards? Who was the first person to put on a flower crown the first time since the sixties, or try out a boho look for the first time in the twenty first century? That's right. The "weirdos". Those people whose fashion and appearance you look at and think 'Why don't they look like the others?'. News flash, every flame starts with a spark. And those outcasts, this people we see as unfit, those people are sparks. Trend setters. Leaders.
---When our perception of beauty is based off our own ideas and preferences, life- in general- is easier. If we were to forget the binding and ropes that hold us down to beauty, our minds instantly have to open because you're letting the ideal image you want to see go. Your potential friends and lovers are no longer filtered away by a single pool of people, but expanded into a large mass, each with the looks and personality you prefer.


Love can be in many ways and forms. There are many, many, topics that have to do with love, including trust, sexuality, happiness, beauty. Oh my, there's that beauty again.
---Love shouldn't be limited. It should be able to be in any way, shape, or form. I'm not going into sexuality, only because this would be too long of a subject if I were to. There are people that see love as a blessing, and being in love is like being on cloud nine. Others see love as an affliction. Love is something that, once again, you set your own standards for. For example, if your friend were to say their in love, what is that feeling to them? What does it feel like to them? Is it a weak bond, purely physical attraction to somebody? Or is it a really rooted, developed feeling for someone they enjoy being around? Reality is, we will never be able to see what someone else sees or feel what someone else feels. We will never know what goes on in our friends heads, and they will never know what goes on in ours. So, keep this in mind when you're mad that your friend is running off with someone who doesn't treat them right, or your crush doesn't love you back. Your love could develop at a different stage in the relationship than the person you are in are relationship, either platonic or romatic, with.
--- Love needs trust. I personally beleive love cannot thrive without trust. If you are ready to love someone, ask yourself one question, 'Do I trust this person with my life? Around my family? Around my friends?'. If you can't feel comfortable with your significant other hanging out around the people you care about, because of anything from their temper to their social anxiety, then could it ever really work out? I know, I know, go ahead and yell and scream about me not being able to accept someone's flaws and love them anyway. But, guess what? Here's the cold, hard fact: I am never going to put a romantic relationship between my family and I. Simply because my family has always been there, and still will be there when the person I'm involved with leaves. 99% of everyone's romantic relationships will not work out in the end. That 1% is the person you are involved with for the rest of your life. Never let someone come in between you and your friends and family. If they are that 1%, they'll stick around.


Success is, oh look at that, something that is different for everybody. You could live in a cardboard box, begging for food, and beleive you are sucsessful. Do I really need to go into this? No. I dont.

The overall reality is:

We all have different minds, different views. If we open up our tiny minds to accept each other's standards, then everything would be so much better.

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