Author's Note

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Sorry it has been awhile, a long while since I have last updated. Things on my end are hectic, and time is not on my side through this. But the reason for this update isn't to give all of the excuses I can give. But rather to inform you readers that this story is undergoing a LOT of changes. I feel that this idea is a good one, and I want to improve this story. Now unfortunately for you wonderfully patient readers, that means you might have to wait awhile before the next update. I apologize for that, but this idea is completely (to my knowledge at least) original in every aspect I can make it. For that reason, coming up with this content is rather time consuming; like a puzzle, every piece has to fit perfectly for the masterpiece to be perfect.

I will also be changing some of the story I have already published on here; I got some feedback awhile ago (Thank you for that, you know who you are ;)) and I realized that my first chapter REALLY needs some work.

Thank you to those who take the time to read this. Thank you for your patience too! Vote, Comment, and Follow me if you haven't already!


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