Red Love(Pt.2)☁💢🌹🦀💨

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𝑺𝒉𝒊𝒑: Tbh x Laff
𝑻𝒚𝒑𝒆: ☁💢🌹(Fluff and to Angst then to Romance)
𝑹𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒅?: Yes! By; LeahLeOo13
𝑾𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈: Nop
The first part is on; DNFshipoer69
(Old main account, lost)

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As Laff let go of Tbh, they smiled at each other. They were finally at peace, but Laff still had wounds when they had last fought.
As a knock at the door surprised them, Laff quickly hid in a closet close to the door.

Tbh yawned, still tired.
"Oh, yes, Meme?"

"Hey, Tbh!"
Meme greeted.
"I think we should work on the tunnel, so we can finish it as soon as possible!"

"I agree, but at least let me get something so I can eat while we're working."
Tbh asked.


Tbh closed his door, and opened the closet. Laff leaned forward, and had his mask off, kissing Tbh on the cheek. The crab giggled, and boopped Laff's nose. Laff snuck out the back, and Tbh got a banana from his fruit bowl. He came out of his house and followed Meme to where the tunnel began

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ 𝑇𝑖𝑚 𝑆𝑘𝑖𝑝˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

As Tbh fell onto his bed, exhaustion was wanting him to Sleep. But Laff had entered from the back, and entered his room.
The two talked for hours, and hours.
Exhaustion had left Tbh, and the crab leaned over to pass a kiss. But Laff slightly backed away, but Tbh had just leaned more.
As his kiss landed on the man's cheek, Laff seemed happy, but his eyes surely weren't.

"What's the matter?"
Tbh asked.

"Nothing, it's just that this war thing is going on and-"
Laff stammered.

"Don't mind it, because in the end we'll be together."
Tbh interrupted.
"And I know it."

Laff thought to himself.
He had planned to kill Tbh, but because of their romantic affair...he didn't want to any more. But that would horribly ruin his plans.
Shouldn't I just stop my plans?
No, you have to do them.
But what about Tbh...?
Who cares? It's all about peace.
But this isn't peace!
What is peace then?
Peace is-

Tbh called
"You alive?"

"Uh- oh! Yeah."
Laff chuckled.
"Just- lost in thought!"

Tbh began talking about his plans once the war was over. And Laff was listening.
If this is ever over...
The crab was dreaming of, basically paradise.
Where Laff and Tbh would live happily.
I wish so too....
Laff kept his thoughts to myself, and just agreed to whatever Tbh said.

They were now in a court room, and Tbh had shown the wrong image.
A picture of him and Blaza sleeping together was put in the wall, and Laff felt like crying.
He was completely heartbroken.
He heard his breath stuttering, and his vision began to slowly grow blurry. could he!?

Laff fought the urge to just run, and continued with the meeting.
Once it was finally over, he ran outside back.
He took off his mask to make a puddle as he was crying during the court case.
Tears were still coming down like waterfalls, and Laff didn't hear Tbh walking up to him.

"Laff- I'm so sorry-"
Tbh tried to apologize.

"Shut it."
Laff interrupted.
"If you didn't love me, why didn't you just go with Blaza!?"

"No! Laff-!"

"Shut the hell up!"
Laff cut off Tbh again.
"I don't want to hear it!
You said you loved me, but that was just a lie!"

Laff sobbed, and tears came out more.
Tbh tried to come close to Laff, but he slapped his hand aside. Laff couldn't hold it anymore and just ran off. Wind was blowing on his face, and Laff had forgotten his mask.
But it didn't matter.
He thought he had loved someone who loved him back.
But he was horribly wrong.

As he tripped and fell, he had hurt in ankle. Laff found himself in a hollow where four trees surrounded him. All he heard was his sobbing. He tugged his hair, making it messy. His clothes were tatted with dirt.

Tbh finally had found him, and quietly walked up to him. He crouched down and gave Laff his mask.
He grabbed his chin, and shoved the tears out of Laff's face. The man's face was so broken, and lost.

Tbh couldn't think of another way to make Laff happy again, so he only thought of one thing....
He got closer to Laff's face, and kissed him...right on the lips.
(This cringe or nah?
Because I feel slightly uncomfortable, but I'll push through it :'))

Laff's eyes shot open when he felt the touch on his lips, Tbh backed away.
The British man's eyes were just stuck open, and a red blush spread across his face like wild fire. Tbh chuckled at Laff's reaction.
They went into a hug, and they were finally calm...once again.

"I love you."

"I love you too, Laff."

And sorry if this was slightly cringe, I tried my best :')

Stay Gay!

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