Transfer Control🫂💢🧩💨👨‍🚀

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People: Laff and Socks
𝑻𝒚𝒑𝒆: 🫂💢🧩(They didn't specify :) Platonic then Angst) (Mostly angst)
𝑹𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒅?: Yes! By SleepwalkinMoon8989!
𝑾𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈: Swearing, blood.
This is taking place in the SockSMP :)))
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Laff was hanging out with Socks, but someone else was talking to him too.
Wanna repeat Jooice?
Repeat Jooice.
That wasn't a question.
Leave me alone!
Laff shook his head, and Socks was watching with confusion.
The spaceman reached out his hand to try to help out Laff, but the gasman slapped it aside. His mask began to change color, but then turned back to yellow.

"Are you okay?"
Socks asked, worried.

Laff coughed, blood now on his sleeve.
"Uh- I think...I think I have to go."

Laff limped back to his house.
He wanted to rest, and directly talk to him.
As he got comfortable in his bed, Laff fell into a deep slumber.

When he opened his eyes, he saw himself but a grey version with red lenses.
The double-ganger walked forward and was very close to Laff. He had a similar voice to Laff, but it also sounded horrifying and mechanical in a way?

"Greetings, Laff."
The figure chuckled.

Laff snorted.

"Call me by my name!"
The figure snapped.

Laff shouted.
"Hello, L4FF."

"There we go, but what I say, is what you do!"
L4FF reminded, giving Laff the shoulder shove.
"Now, I want you to repeat Jooice on someone. Not by me though."

"You won't turn me gray?"
Laff mumbled.

"No, I won't."
L4FF said.
"Is that upsetting?"

Laff quickly added.
"I- uh....I didn't you would let me."

"I can see why,"
L4FF admitted.
"But you see anyone, repeat Jooice."

Laff shuffled his feet and nodded, he didn't want too. But he had too.
Otherwise he couldn't control himself and just be a puppet to this creature.
As hard as it was, he woke up.

It was still day, meaning that the meeting didn't last too long. And, unfortunately, someone was knocking at his door.

As Laff made his way to his door, he spotted a blindfold and put it on and clumsily walked over to the door. As he struggled to unlock it and open it, he eventually did.
Without his mask, he just seemed like a random blindfolded stranger.

A familiar voice called.
" that you?"

"Yes, it's me."
Laff chuckled.
"How are you...Socks?"

Socks said, happily.
"But why are you...?"

"Oh, wearing this?"
Laff, hopefully, pointing at his blindfold.
"Something I'm trying with my memory to see if I can look around my house in the dark, in case of emergencies."

"Oddly specific but alright."
Socks chuckled.
"Well, I'm going to see what Blaza is doing."

"Alrighty! See you around!"
Laff waved goodbye.
He closed the door and took off his blindfold.
I'm so glad he didn't see...
Why did you cover your eyes!?
So I couldn't see him. ass. But if you talk to someone, you repeat Jooice!
Why must you always bring up...Jooice?
To let it sink in :)
Laff didn't want to respond.
But he just wanted to be alone.
And Socks wasn't helping, he kept showing up and it was making him struggle to keep himself and L4FF in control.

Laff locked the door, and fell on his couch, and let out an exhausted sigh.
As another knock came from the door, Laff ignored it. But the knocking kept getting louder, and Laff still ignored it.
Then the sound of a door busting open filled his ears.
Who the hell-!?
Someone barged into his room, and Laff quickly grew annoyed when he saw who it was.

Socks called
"We just found a tunnel going from Meme's base to ours! What should we do?"

"Patch it up."
Laff was just really annoyed.
"That's the only thing you can really do."

Socks scratched the back of his head out of embarrassment.
How didn't I think of that!?
Socks asked himself.
But the wannabe spaceman thanked Laff and left quickly after.

Laff just wanted to go to sleep, and he did.
But when he opened his eyes, it was just darkness. He saw himself, but the grey version again. L4FF was smiling and staring at him, and Laff sighed.

"What do you want?"

"Nothing, I just want to remind you that I exist."
L4FF chuckled.
"But I'll leave you to it, goodnight...??????"

Laff gasped how he heard something no one knew, and fell back into slumber.
He didn't dream, all there was just darkness.
But when he woke up, he remembered the conversation before.

How did he know!?
The British man just pushed it aside, and made his morning tea. As the water was heating up, he waited by messing around with chess pieces.
When did I have this chess board...?

Then another knock was at his door, assuming it was Socks again, he opened the door quickly.


"Hi, Laff!"
Socks greeted.

Laff's heart dropped as he looked at the wannabe spaceman.
Oh no...
I'm going to turn you grey.
But you said-
I can change my mind, can't I?

Laff immediately hugged Socks, and the spaceman was confused out of his mind.

"What's this about?"
Socks asked, trying to pull away from the hug.

"I'll miss you..."
Laff stuttered.
"Please...please forgive me."

"Forgive you for what?"

Tons of emotions were going through Laff's head, and sorrow was beating them down. Tears were making his vision blurry, and he was losing his consciousness.
Laff tried to fight back control, but L4FF was stronger. Socks yelped at the change of color of his mask, it was grey with red lenses now.

Socks screamed as he was launched into the air, he landed with a thump and hurt his back. L4FF quickly launched out another robotic arm, and this one hit Socks right on the nose. Blood running down from his nose, Socks wiped it with his sleeve.

L4FF was laughing, and Socks was taunted by it.
What happened to Laff?
But Socks couldn't think of Laff right now, he needed to leave before he died.
The wannabe spaceman ran out of the house, only to be dragged back inside by another robotic arm.

What can I do!?
Socks then saw something that could help him, as he was let go, he quickly ran to it.
Grabbing it, he poured the boiling water on L4FF. The robot's metal was melting, and Socks was surprised how he didn't need to have hotter water. The robot quickly faded and Laff was now...Laff.

"What is wrong with you!?"
Socks asked, backing away slowly.

"I don't even know..."
Laff mumbled.
"But thank you.
I can't believe you defeated him."

"Who's him?"

"The person you just saw."
Laff answered.
"He calls himself L4FF."

Socks wanted to ask more questions, but he took a deep breath and wanted to forget what happened.
How does Laff control this!?
Who knows how William does it.
Who are you!?
Let me call myself...$0cks.
But my original name was L4FF.

Cliff hanger :)
Anyways, when this has been published it's basically 7AM and I hear my neighbors swearing and arguing :)
(This could totally be a actual story
But I'm not going to make one)

Stay Gay!

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