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What a day. I argued with a friend, ran away, and now I'm walking in a blizzard. Maybe I went too far on just, you know, running away. TBVG is a nice guy, but god is he so overprotective. Again, maybe I was being too hard on him since I lashed out at him. He's just trying to make sure me and the others are safe. I am just 18, but let me do things for myself, I'm basically an adult. But now, I can't do anything. I'm going to die in the snow and TBVG and the others would be waiting for me, thinking I would come back soon. If any of you guys are hearing this, I'm sorry for being such a dickhead. And... goodbye...

Oof's POV

     Today was the day Oof was going to die, huh? He was going to freeze to death, and it was all his fault. The thought of himself snapping and yelling at TBVG felt like being stabbed multiple times in the chest. Yet, he repeated the argument over and over in his head.

"You need to be more careful next time," TBVG informed calmly, just trying to get Oof to calm down. "I'm 18! I know how to protect myself!" Oof yelled, backing away skeptically. TBVG looked at him and then pinched the bridge of his nose. He sighed. "You're still young, Oof. You almost died because of the debris. You brushed it off like it was nothing!"
Oof clenched his fists, feeling like he should punch the wall over and over and over again until his knuckles bled. Finally, he snapped. "SHUT UP! I'M NOT FUCKING NAIVE." Oof yelled, pushing away TBVG as he went over to comfort him. I AM EIGHTEEN, ONE AND EIGHT. DON'T THINK I'M SOME STUPID FUCKING CHILD!"
He already regrets saying it.

     That was all he remembered before storming out of the shelter. He just thought he was going to take a moment to calm himself down and return in slightly cold weather. That's when the blizzard came. Snow wiped out almost everything in its sight, making it the only thing you could see for miles. Oof couldn't even see where the shelter was, the snow wiping it away from him to see. Now he was going to freeze to death.
     Oof wandered around helplessly, snowflakes hitting his face over and over and over again. His feet dragged against the already piling snow, making them go numb. He could see his breath from how cold it was, his legs getting closer to failing on him. And they did.
     Oof fell, slowly wrapping himself with his arms. He was too numb to speak, not even move. He wanted to yell and scream for help, but he couldn't. He was dying. Tears ran down his face as he held himself tighter. His attempts to speak kept failing, feeling like his vocal cords got ripped out. This was all his fault. As his body did its last tries to warm him up, he was able to let out two words. "I'm sorry..." He muttered before slowly passing out, letting the snow bury him alive.

     Oof suddenly gained consciousness, his eyes still feeling too heavy to open. He felt like a weighted blanket was wrapped around him, feeling as if he was in a hospital bed, but it didn't feel like the shelter. There was a different scent, one he couldn't recognize. He felt paralyzed, trapped, and alone, but he soon heard a pair of footsteps. He relaxed his body, acting like he was still unconscious.

     "This is what you found?" A male voice asked, their voice a bit raspy and glitchy. "Yeah. He's a bit of a dumbass for going out in the snow." A different voice said, their voice sounding feminine and elegant, almost like a swan. Her elegant voice sounded soothing, yet he felt offended when he heard that sentence. "You sure we should have him, he looks young." The first voice started, putting a hand on Oof's forearm, lifting it slightly. "Ha! Says the 700 year old." The swan voice laughed as his forearm was dropped. Oof tried not to flinch as he heard that. A 700-year-old?! That's old. And how was this other person treating it like it was nothing?!
     "Shut it." The other voice snapped, making the other one chuckle. "Besides," They added, "This one might just be dead, or in a coma, or something." Oof considered just getting up, but the swan voice just groaned in frustration. "Stop being so boring," They fretted, "Look, I can show you." Oof suddenly felt something sharp stab his arm. He jumped up, his eyes jolting open. He looked to see that there was only one person. Someone with a gas mask that had a blood-red glow through the lenses. Oof froze as he looked at Laff, somehow alive.
     He tried to mutter out words he wanted to speak, but he was speechless. "Hello, there." He greeted, the voice sounding the same as the raspy voice he heard when he was asleep. He then realized he couldn't remember anything before the blizzard. He tried to remember his friends, his family, and even his name, but nothing came to his mind. "W-what did you do to my mind?" Oof asked, his voice emitting panic as his hands shook under him. "Nothing. Just removed a few flaws, that's all." Laff explained, putting his hands behind his back. Oof stayed frozen as stone, looking up at Laff in full-on fear and shock. He noticed it and continued, "But don't worry, I'll make new ones for you." He added, putting out a hand.
     "What do you say, Dagger?"
     Oof looked at the hand being lent out patiently, giving him a moment to think. He could agree and live a new life, forgetting everything behind him. Or he could decline, and he could be thrown out into the snow again to die. He closed his eyes, seeping in his new name, and possibly his new life.
     And with a heavy heart, he opened his eyes, and put his hand on Laff's. "Sure," Dagger said.
     This was his new life.

This is gonna be FUN (1039 words)

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