Chapter 6 - Life of Medz

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Medz's POV

Medz walked into the courtroom where Tbh said everything happened. He walked over to a teleportation platform which sent him up. There was another platform that sent him down, but it was older and Medz was not allowed to go down there. He was led up to the first floor of the castle, or what Laff likes to say his tower.
The "tower" was all pitch black and gray, so as you can see Laff has very good taste. There is very little furniture in the lobby part of the first floor, but in all the other rooms, there is a lot of furniture.
"Ey, Laff! I'm back!" Medz called. He was at least able to joke around sometimes, but most of the time he just shuts the hell up and does whatever Laff tells him to because it's the only way he would be able to live.
He heard faint grumbling so he went over to a room over on the right and saw Laff sewing together Woolfster's wings, again. "Jeez, Laff. Can Woolf go one day without having to get injured?" Medz teased, walking to where Laff was. He glanced and saw that one, Woolfster also had a bandage on his stomach, and two, there was a plain chocolate chip blueberry muffin on a counter, which made him wonder why the hell Laff has a random ass muffin on a counter.
Laff snapped his head at Medz, obviously looking pissed. "Oh. Umm, sorry." Medz said before walking away and exiting the room.
Medz decided to go up to where the library was that Laff had. He teleported up onto the third floor where the library was. It was nice with some plants hung from the ceiling and a brown wood floor. It also had a few desks to fit the ascetic, even though there weren't many people. He walked over and grabbed his journal from a bookshelf.
He opened the first page of his journal and saw a small photo fall from it. He looked down and saw that it was a photo of him and Dino, an old friend. He smiled at the photo and placed it back on the first page of the journal. He had been using this journal for the past year ever since Laff took him in. Journaling was something Medz enjoyed, and he was glad that Laff never interfered with that. Although, the journal is more of a diary because he doesn't let other people see what he's writing.
He flipped to a new page, which was close to the end of the journal, and began writing.
Today was a bit of a trainwreck. The people Tbh was talking about came back after 2 years, the bridge on the gorge was broken so I had to go around which took HOURS, and now Laff is pissed, even though Woolf gets hurt all the time. For some reason, there was a random muffin on a counter, so without Laff knowing, I'm going to investigate. And also, while Laff is gone, I'm gonna investigate what's under the courtroom, and figure out why Laff doesn't want me under there. I'll update you soon.
- Medz, November 12, 2023
Medz closed his journal and walked out of the library, grabbing a flashlight. He noticed that Laff was outside going deeper into the forest so he went over to the teleportation slab and was teleported to the place under the courtroom, and what he saw surprised him. There were pillars from roof to floor that were covered in vines and thorns wrapping around them. There was moss and mold in the corners of the pillars as well and there were also vines hanging from the roof. He grabbed the flashlight and flashed it on, which sort of helped in the dark area. Medz kept walking around and saw a wooden door that was covered in moss. He used his free hand to try and open it, but it was jammed shut, but that didn't stop him. He tugged the door and pushed and pulled, but nothing. He put his leg out and put it right next to the door and kept tugging as a last attempt to open his damn door.
After what felt like forever, it finally opened. Medz fell back but immediately got up. He shined his flashlight at the room and saw that everything was forest-like. This place did seem forest-like, but this room was infested with plants, from vines to grass, to even bushes. He then shined his light at something, at.. someone. Someone who he never saw before, but sounded similar to what Tbh had always told him. What he saw made his heart nearly stop.

It was a person, and he was breathing!
Medz lunged back, nearly falling but was able to stumble himself back up. He took another second to look at the person and it looked like he was there for a while. He slowly got closer and closer until he was a foot away from the person. He slowly brushed off the bubbly hair and saw his eye was replaced with a gunshot wound. Medz panicked. He slammed the door shut and went back to the courtroom, then the lobby where he ran over to where Woolfster was, snatched the muffin, and dipped. He went to the third floor and snatched his journal and then went to the fourth and final floor, where his room was. He sprinted and dashed over to his room and slammed the boot behind him. His room was calm and there wasn't much but enough to make him feel at home. He raced himself over to his bed and sighed. He grabbed his journal again and started to write on the same page where he had written before.
Okay, NOW today was a trainwreck, I looked under the courtroom in a room and saw someone, they were breathing, and had a gunshot wound in their EYE!!! I was able to get the muffin and now I don't know what to do with it. I'll go tell Tbh about this once I get back. I have no fucking idea what to do, so I'll update you one more time.
-Medz, November 12, 2023
Medz looked back at the muffin, why did Laff have this? He mentioned he couldn't eat. So Laff wouldn't be mad if he took just one bite, right?
Medz grabbed the muffin and looked at it. He put it close to his mouth and when he was about to take a bite..
Medz immediately looked at his door but he didn't see anyone there. Then, he looked down at the muffin and saw it had eyes. And a mouth?? He dropped the muffin as it fell to the floor, but still alive. This day couldn't get any weirder, could it? "Wh-.. H-.. W-WHAT THE FUCK???" Medz yelled, backing away from the muffin as it looked around confused. "W-WHERE AM I?? WHO ARE YOU?? WHERE ARE MY LIMBS???" The muffin yelled, still looking confused and afraid and it kept looking around. Medz looked at the afraid muffin and decided to get just a little closer. He grabbed the muffin again and looked at it. "Uhmm.. hi. Today is very weird for the both of us, isn't it?" Medz said and he held the muffin in his hands, then the muffin replied, "I guess.. all I remember was being shot. Then I woke up and you tried to kill me!"
"Well it isn't my fault I didn't know that a muffin would be a living, breathing being. And I just found a random person who was also shot, so I'm about to scream." Medz said. Today was shitty for him and he just wanted to go to sleep. He saw the muffin look at him as Medz sighed. "Alright. Tomorrow, I'll send you to Tbh and we can both talk about it, alright?"
The muffin had a surprised expression as it spoke, "Tbh? I knew Tbh."
"Excuse me, you know Tbh?" Medz asked.
"Oh, Uhm, yeah. I remember he used to make something called Honest Burgers and they were TERRIBLE." The muffin answered, which made Medz chuckle. Maybe the muffin wasn't that bad. "Alright, I'll be going to sleep from all the shit. If you see someone with a gas mask, try to roll away." He said as the muffin nodded.
Medz got back on the bed as he placed the muffin on his stand. He then lay on his side and slowly fell asleep, just wanting to relax after this day.

The shitty ass drawing took forever wtf (1455 words)

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