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Maisie's POV:

Another day at the club and everyone was getting bruised all on their faces while people were cheering each other on. Sylvie and Stella were up against each other. Sylvie sucker punched Stella which made Stella mad and punched her hard in her gut and Sylvie then fell. Sylvie got back up and ran towards her, but Stella started screaming while punching at her, then punched her in her face which led Sylvie to fall down again.

Then was Hazel and Pj. Pj was on the ground while Hazel was on top of her trying to push her down further and successfully did so.

Then it was Brittany and Isabel's turn and they just started to pull each other by their arms so I cheered on loud for them. Then they both head butted each other which caused them to fall together.

Then Josie and Isabel went and Isabel rammed into Josie and now she was on top of her. Isabel started to rise up and so did Josie, but as soon as she did Isabel punched her straight in the nose.

It was Pj and Brittany's turn. They ended up by Pj on top of Brittany, but Brittany grabbed by the wrist to flip her over so now she was on top and Pj was bottom. I think I heard Brittany ask Pj to punch since she wasn't moving but I don't think Pj was listening because she just looked star struck while smiling.

Now it was me and Hazels turn. I was kinda nervous on what to do because I didn't want to hurt her at all. So I made the first move by swinging at her and punched her cheek. I gasped putting my hands over my mouth, so Hazel took this advantage and charged straight towards me and tackling me to the ground. My head banged on the floor and I realized how we were positioned.

I'm on the floor and Hazels between my legs and her arms on the side of my head. I thought of an idea so I wrapped my legs around her waist and flipped her over so now Im on top and she's bottom and punched her in the nose and got up and my friends were cheering me on.

Me, Isabel, and Brittany were talking with our friends when I saw Josie and Pj were walking past us and that's when Isabel saw and smiled at Josie with Hazel following them like a lost child so I smiled and waved at her which she did the same.

We were at the gym for the club but we were doing something else today. Today we were going to open up to each other and talk about our feelings which I was excited but nervous for. "Ok so, who's been raped!". Wow, Pj just went straight to the point but nobody raised their hands. "Just you know, raise your hand. Gray area stuff counts too." This time everyone did raise their hands and so did I. "Everybody know the situation with my step dad." No I did not Sylvie, I thought to myself. "He's just, obsessed with Friday movie nights. Like god I get it your my step dad but, fuck whatever you know."

"Every time I call the police about my stalker, they tell me to fill out an online form, and then the form tells me to call so I call, and then they say they can't get involved until he tries to kill me, and he keeps saying he's going to, but that doesn't count so it's just like annoying." I felt bad for Stella because all she's trying to do is get rid of her stalker and the police aren't doing anything about it which make me annoyed. "Been there, we've all been there." Pj said out of nowhere nodding her head but I don't think she has and neither have I.

Then it was Brittany turns to share. "We'll Ive been assaulted, a million times but I'm more annoyed, that everyone knows me for being beautiful and popular! And no one knows that I'm actually smart, and super driven! Like I literally own a jewelry business and no one talks about besides Maisie." Everyone was quiet. "See!" she exclaimed. "There amazing by the way guys." I added trying to make Brittany feel better.

I decided that it was my turn to speak up. "So um before I moved here a few years ago, at my old school I was bullied a lot for being really weird and bubbly, and when I told my teachers and counselors about it, they did nothing about! So when I told my mom she had to tell the Principal about and he didn't do anything either, so I had stay for an entire year before moving here and now I feel better than I was before!" I told everyone and I'm still mad about it till this day.

I was comforted by Isabel Brittany and even Hazel who surprised me the most. So that's when Hazel decided to speak up. "Well ever since my parents divorce, my mom has been doing this like mid life crisis, I don't know how that's really sitting with me you know, it's been really, really dark. This has just been really meaningful to me to like get to know some new people who actually want to like, get to know me-" but she was rudely interrupted by Pj because she wanted to bring it back to Brittany, so scooted to Hazel and wrapped my hands around hers and squeezed them tightly and gave her a small smile, to which she squeezed mine back and smiled back too.

Josie then asked if she could have a turn so we all let her lead. "I don't really, like talking, juvie and everything that happened this summer um, you know obviously you get a lot of props or whatever as people think it's so badass. But really wasn't, I mean, unless you consider getting hazed horrifically every single night, like badass I mean, um, obviously, you know, we had to survive the tributes and, you know, I did have to, like, fight people basically every single night. People were betting on us and we were given, like, shivs and rusty pocket knives and splintered wood, and, um, pipes as well. And, um, we had to just, like, fight people to the sometimes to the death. Um, and I still hear their screams at night, um, and that guilt probably will, like, always shackle me forever. I realize now, I don't have to be that person anymore. Like, I don't have to just let things happen to me cause of you guys. And, um, I am, like, really grateful for what the club has become and, um. Just especially, you know from where we started and, uh. Yeah sorry! I feel like I kinda killed vibe, I've never really, I guess, said that to anyone one before. Sorry. People wanna, like, wrap up maybe or-". What Josie said really confused me because it sounded like she was just saying the whole plot of the Hunger Games.

But was cut off by Mr.G. "I'm going through a divorce. Whoo, that shit felt good to say! Ooh, I'll tell y'all. Men need therapy." "agree" I said while nodding my head. "Yea, I think that's a good place to maybe wrap up." Josie said and everyone started to packing up.

I wanted to ask Hazel something but I noticed that she was comforting Mr.G which I thought was nice so I just left her be. I started talking to Isabel because she was gonna on having a study date with Josie at a diner. So she took this as the perfect opportunity and started walking up to her. I think Isabel has been catching feelings for Josie because she's never acted like this before.

As I was walking home I started to rethink about everything. Ever since I met Hazel I've been getting these weird feelings in my stomach every time I'm around her.

But I like guys. Wait do I like girls! I mean the one time I had feelings for a woman was Angelina Jolie. But then I also have one for Brad Pitt when he was in Mr. and Mrs. Smith.

Do I have feelings for Hazel?!

bealvrs playground ~
i honestly don't know what im doing but hope you enjoyed it

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