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Meanwhile, in Freezenburg, everyone was enjoying Hildegard's party. Amber was really enjoying herself, and she loved the song the band was playing.

"Oh, too bad Sofia isn't here," Amber smiled. "She would've loved this."

But then, an angry voice rang from the entrance. "Princess Amber Winslow of Enchancia!"

Everything stopped, and the room was quiet. Amber turned—and there in the entrance were her parents and brother and the royal family of Albuquerque. That meant she was in a lot of trouble.

"Princess Amber, you're in a lot of trouble," Roland frowned. "I thought I told you that you were supposed to be at the royal visit—the real you, not someone posing as you."

"Because of you, your sister couldn't get her mission done," Miranda glared.

"Not only did you ditch the royal visit and get your sister to pose as you, but you disobeyed me and made your sister break her own promise," Roland scolded Amber. "Well, you need to come with us for the royal visit, young lady."

"Speaking of Sofia, I hope she and Hugo are okay," Axel frowned. "They took a long time to get that mission started."

"Yes, the longer you put something off, the harder it is to complete," his mother agreed.

"Maybe I can help," said Hildegard's older sister, Astrid. "This crystal ball can show us what's going on with Sofia and Hugo."

Everyone looked in Astrid's crystal ball. They could see what was going on in Brazendell. The crystal ball showed Sofia and Hugo being kidnapped by Sir Oliver, and right now they're trying to fight the guards' grip.

"Oh, my gosh—Sir Oliver is already seizing the kingdom, and he's kidnapped Sofia and Hugo," James gasped.

Everyone was horrified at what was happening.

"And you wonder why Hugo lost his heart to Sofia and not you, Amber!" Axel glared at Amber. "Now they've been kidnapped, and the King of Brazendell is going to be overthrown—and all because you had to be at this party!"

"I'm sorry, but this party is really important, and I really wanted to be here," Amber protested.

"I told you not to come to the party because you needed to be at the visit—and because you ditched the visit, Sofia took too long to get started on her mission," Roland scolded her.

"We have to help them," Garrick said desperately.

"But what good are we against Oliver and the guards?" Miranda asked.

Axel saw the flying carpets and how wild some of them were—and he had an idea. "I think I know how we can save Sofia and Hugo and stop Sir Oliver," he spoke up.

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