Lily Princess Club

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At lunch, Sofia and Hugo were with their friends. Not having Sofia in the club was enough to break Hugo's heart, but he tried to look at the bright side.

"While I'm out with the boys, you're going to have a lot of free time, Sof," Hugo remarked.

"Yeah, it's going to be tough," Sofia agreed.

Hugo thought about this. Since Sofia told him to start a club, he decided to tell her to start her own.

"Sofia, you can always start your own club," Hugo suggested.

Sofia thought about it. She knew she wouldn't have very much to do without Hugo. "That sounds like a great idea," she smiled. "Thanks, Hugo."

"No problem," Hugo smiled.

At recess, Sofia, Amber, Hildegard, and Clio met with Princesses Vivian, Kari, Zooey, Lakshmi, Maya, and Adara and told them about the new princess club.

"This is going to be fun," Vivian smiled. "But what kind of club is this going to be?"

Sofia hadn't thought about the club theme. "How about flowers?" she suggested.

The princesses really liked the idea of having a flowery-themed club.

"Okay, flowers it is," Amber nodded. "But what kind of flower exactly?"

Sofia should've known how picky Amber was. "You want to pick a certain flower?" she frowned, raising an eyebrow.

The princesses nodded.

"Okay, we can have a rose club," Sofia suggested.

"Roses are much too thorny," Hildegard declared haughtily.

"Daisies?" Sofia suggested.

"Daisies are much too dull, Sofia," Amber told her. "We need an exciting flower."

Sofia wondered what flower her sister and friends would want. She didn't know why they were being so picky. Then Amber had an idea.

"I got it: a lily club!" Amber beamed. "We can have a Lily Princess Club! We can make gowns with lily patterns and tiaras and necklaces out of real lilies!"

The princesses really liked that idea—but that can't be stated about Sofia.

"I love it!" Hildegard grinned.

"Let's do it!" Lakshmi added.

All the princesses loved the idea of having a Lily Princess Club—but not Sofia. She was allergic to lilies, and she didn't like the idea of making real lily tiaras and leis. She knew she needed to say something.

"Real lilies?" Sofia gasped. "But that's not a good idea. Lilies make me..."

But the princesses were so excited about their new club that they wouldn't listen.

"Are you kidding?" Kari interrupted. "Lilies are the best."

"Yeah, I love lilies," Clio chimed in.

All the princesses were so excited about the new Lily Princess Club that they wouldn't listen to what Sofia had to say.

"But there's something you need to know," Sofia spoke up.

But the princesses still refused to listen to Sofia.

"Come on, Sofia," Maya urged. "Lilies are beautiful."

"And who wouldn't want to wear pretty lilies as a tiara?" Vivian chimed in.

The princesses really wanted a Lily Princess Club and no other club. They really thought it was the best idea for a princess club. But Sofia was really frustrated, and she really needed to tell everyone about her allergy.

"Please can we talk about this?" Sofia asked.

But the princesses really wanted this club to be a Lily Princess Club, and they didn't like Sofia trying to protest.

"Sofia, we really want this to be a lily club," Amber protested.

"And if you don't like it, then maybe you shouldn't be in the club," Hildegard taunted.

Sofia was really hurt by those words, and since the princesses won't listen to her, she decided there was only one thing to do.

"Well, if that's how you want it, then I won't be in this club," Sofia glared. "You can have your Lily Princess Club without me."

"Sofia, you don't mean that," Adara gasped. "You're the one who started this club in the first place."

"I know, Adara, but if they won't listen to what I have to say, then there's no reason to be part of the club," Sofia sighed.

Sofia walked away in a huff. Adara watched as Sofia walked off. She didn't know why the other princesses were mean to Sofia, and she wanted to know why Sofia didn't like the idea of a lily club.

"I can't believe this," Adara sighed.

"Well, you know my sister," Amber scoffed. "She likes being different from everyone else."

"And she's just upset that we don't like her ideas," Hildegard added. "But that's okay; we can have the Lily Princess Club without her."

"And me too," Adara snarled.

The princesses were horrified to hear that.

"You don't mean that," Amber declared.

"Yes, I do," Adara argued. "If you're going to leave Sofia out, then I don't want to be in your club."

Adara took off after Sofia. The princesses couldn't believe Adara wouldn't be in the club because they excluded Sofia. 

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