Misunderstanding Cleared

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The next day, the princesses of the Lily Princess Club wore their fancy lily gowns and tiaras and leis made from real lily flowers.

"Very interesting, Amber," James said. "I just hope Sofia will be okay when she's around you."

"Why wouldn't she be okay?" Amber asked.

Suddenly, the princesses heard a sneeze—and that sneeze came from Sofia.

"Bless you, Sof," James declared.

"Thanks, James," Sofia sniffled. "Nice gowns," she told the princesses.

Amber, Hildegard, and Clio could tell that Sofia was unhappy, but they didn't know why she was so sniffly.

At sorcery class, Amber was eyeballing Sofia, who was still stuffy. Hugo was concerned for his best friend.

"Are you okay, Sofia?" Hugo asked.

"I hope so," Sofia sniffled.

"Good morning, class," Fauna smiled. "Today we're going to learn a brand new spell: turning a rock into a sapphire."

Suddenly, Sofia let out a sneeze.

"Bless you, dear," Fauna smiled. She demonstrated the spell carefully, and Sofia let out another sneeze.

"Bless you," everyone told Sofia.

"Thanks," Sofia sniffled.

Everyone tried to do the spell. But Sofia was having trouble because she was sneezing too much thanks to the princesses' lily tiaras and leis. Everyone was concerned for Sofia.

"Are you okay?" Hugo asked.

"Do you have a cold, dear?" Fauna asked.

"No, I'm allergic to lilies," Sofia sniffled.

The girls of the Lily Princess Club were horrified to hear this, and the boys in Hugo's club turned to glare at them.

"Prince Hugo, can you take Sofia down to see Lady Melody?" Fauna asked.

"I can do that," Hugo nodded. He took Sofia down to Lady Melody's office.

Fauna turned and frowned at the lily Princess Club. Now Amber knew why Sofia didn't want to be in the club in the first place.

"I forgot Sofia was allergic to lilies," Amber huffed. "Now I know why she wouldn't join the club."

"But why didn't she say something?" Hildegard asked.

"She tries to tell you, but you never listened to her," Adara pointed out. "You never even gave her a chance to explain."

"Amber, if you're going to have a club, you need to listen when somebody has a reason to not be in it," Fauna frowned. "Now you girls need to go outside and dispose of those lilies before Sofia gets back—the last thing we want is to make her sneeze herself to death."

"Yes, Miss Fauna," the princesses sighed.

The whole Lily Princess Club went outside and threw away their lily leis and tiaras. They felt horrible that they never let Sofia give an explanation for why she didn't want to be in the club in the first place.

Pretty soon, Sofia and Hugo returned to class, and Sofia was feeling much better.

"Feeling better, dear?" Fauna asked.

"Much better," Sofia smiled.

Amber felt terrible that she forgot about her younger sister's allergy. The lily princesses wished they had given Sofia a chance to tell them about her allergy to lilies. They hoped Sofia wasn't angry with them for almost making her sneeze herself to death.

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