Tiger Trouble

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Hugo was spooked by every colorful tiger he saw much to Derek's annoyance. It was like this for the whole hike until...

"Wait, folks—don't move," Axel warned.

"What's wrong, my boy?" Garrick asked.

There was a big blue tiger with a baby cub. Suddenly, Hugo realized, "That's the same tiger that attacked us years ago."

The mother tiger seemed to recognize Hugo and Axel very well, and she looked at them.

"Oh, dear—she's spotted us," Axel gulped.

"She doesn't look happy," James stared.

"Don't worry—I'll just use this," Derek claimed, pulling out his whistle.

"No, Derek don't even think about it," Sofia warned. "Don't you remember what I said earlier?"

"Don't be silly, Sofia," Derek scoffed. "That happened with elephants, and these are tigers. Nothing is going to happen."

"Derek, no!" Hugo warned.

But Derek blew loudly on his whistle The blue tigers were so scared that the mother tiger roared angrily, ready to fight.

"Run for your lives!" Hugo screamed.

Sofia, Garrick, andthe princes ran as fast as they could, screaming, while the mother tiger chasedafter them.

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