Journey to the Isles

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The next day, Sofia and Sara met up with Hugo's family in Albuquerque, and they all met up at Daisy's house, where her mother was getting ready to leave.

"Oh, Mami, here comes the royal family—and Princess Sofia of Enchancia," Daisy told her mother.

"The princess you say saved Avalor from Queen Shuriki?" her mother asked.

"Exacatamente," Daisy confirmed.

The coach stopped at the house.

"Hi, Daisy," Sofia waved.

"Hola, Sofia," Daisy waved. She turned to her mother and said, "Mami, this is Princess Sofia."

"Hola," Sofia waved.

"Hola, princesita," Daisy's mother smiled. "You are the princess who saved Avalor from Queen Shuriki?"

"Yes, I am," Sofia smiled.

"Que bueno," Daisy's mother smiled. She turned to her daughter and said, "Okay, mija, I go to work now. Take care."

"Hasta luego, Mami," Daisy smiled. She hugged and kissed her mother, who left for work.

"Ready for the adventure of a lifetime?" Sofia asked.

"Ready as can be," Hugo smiled. "So how do we get to those isles from here?"

"I can use my amulet to summon unicorns to fly us there," Sofia declared. She held her amulet in her hand and told it, "Please send unicorns."

In a flash of sparkling light, unicorns came flying down. There was one flying unicorn whom Sofia recognized.

"Skye?" Sofia gasped.

"Princess Sofia," Skye the unicorn bowed before her. "I see you have friends with you."

"Yes, Daisy and Sara are joining us because Daisy is from the same kingdom where my amulet came from, and she told Sara what happened there," Sofia told Skye. She turned to her human friends and said, "This is Skye. Amber and I met him the first time we came to the Mystic Isles."

"Wow, this is amazing," Hugo gaped.

"It's going to be more amazing when we get to the Mystic Isles," Sofia told him.

"That's right," Skye agreed. "Hop on a unicorn, and let's get going."

Each human got on a unicorn, and they flew off into the Mystic Isles.

Hugo, Axel, Garrick, Sara, and Daisy had never seen anything like it. There were so many different isles with different magic. The unicorns landed on the Isle of Unicorns.

"This is awesome," Daisy gasped.

"Here we are on the Isle of Unicorns," Sofia smiled.

"Sofia, didn't you say that you stopped an evil Crystalmaster from destroying the Isles?" Hugo asked.

"A Crystalmaster?" Sara and Daisy asked in unison.

"Yes, the first time Amber and I were about to come here to stop an evil Crystalmaster, we came face to face with a girl named Prisma, who was once a Crystalmaster herself," Sofia explained. "She claimed that her sister, Azurine, was unkind and wicked. Prisma said that Azurine was the evil Crystalmaster, so Amber and I agreed to help Prisma take back what she lost. But when we finally got to the Isle of Crystals, something awful happened."

"You couldn't stop Azurine?" Axel asked.

"Worse than that: Prisma lied," Sofia revealed. "I found out Prisma's deception after Azurine helped me. I told Amber not to give Prisma her Terra Crystal, but it was too late. It turned out Prisma was the evil Crystalmaster, and she caged Azurine and started growing magic crystals all over the Isles."

"Why did she do that?" Garrick frowned.

"When Prisma and Azurine were little, Azurine was the greatest Crystalmaster in the Isles while people said that Prisma's talent was subpar," Sofia continued. "Prisma was jealous of Azurine, and she wanted to prove how great she is. Amber and I got a Shatter Stone that was in the Isle of Dancing Deserts to destroy that Terra Crystal, and everything was back to normal."

"Sounds exciting," Hugo smiled. "If this is the possible place where your amulet came from, I wonder if the creatures in the Enchanted Animal Park came from here."

"Or their ancestors did," Sofia shrugged.

"I'd be happy to lead you to the Isle of Enchanted Animals," Skye offered.

"Great," Sofia smiled.

Some unicorns came over, and they flew their human friends to the Isle of Enchanted Animals. As people who worked in a tiger park, Sara and Daisy have never seen such amazing animals.

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