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Pretty soon, the play started—and it wasn't going so well. Hildegard wasn't doing a good job at the role, and Hugo was disgusted that he has to dance with her. Hildegard's Cinderella costume may look beautiful, but her acting sure isn't good.

It was close to the ballroom scene, and Hugo wasn't looking forward to it. During the scene, Hildegard pranced onto the stage in her gown. Hugo tried to put on a brave face as he approached Hildegard—when all of a sudden, his Enchantlet started glowing and beeping. That meant, there was trouble afoot. Hugo needed to get out of this play real quick.

"Oh, excuse me, fair maiden, but I'm feeling a little sick to my stomach," Hugo claimed. "The dance will have to wait." He quickly ran off the stage much to everyone's confusion. As soon as he was offstage, he took James by the arm and pulled him aside.

"What's wrong, Hugo?" James asked.

"Sofia is trying to contact me," Hugo replied. He let Sofia come on his Enchantlet. "Sofia?"

"James! Hugo!" Sofia beamed.

"Sof, what happened, and where are you?" James asked.

"Hildegard tricked me into letting her lock me in the closet, so I wouldn't show up for the play," Sofia replied.

"Hildegard locked you in the closet?" Hugo gasped. "She said you were sick with diarrhea."

"Oh, did she?" Sofia frowned.

"No worries, Sof—we'll get you out of there," Hugo said. Then he and Sofia stopped communicating. "We've gotta get her out of there."

James and Hugo raced to the closet where Sofia was trapped. They could hear Sofia banging on the door, and right next to it was the key. James took the key and used it to unlock the door, and out came Sofia.

"Thank you," Sofia sighed.

"Now let's have a word with Hildegard," Hugo huffed.

Meanwhile, the whole play stopped because Hugo ran out during the ballroom scene. Everyone was confused by what had happened.

"Where is Hugo?" Amber asked.

"And how could he run out on me like that?" Hildegard pouted.

"How could you botch up the whole night?" Hugo's angry voice rang out.

Everyone turned to face Hugo—and they all gasped when they saw Sofia. They wondered why she was here when Hildegard said that she (Sofia) was sick.

"Sofia, what are you doing here?" Amber asked.

"What are you girls doing?" Hugo asked. "Hildegard locked Sofia in the closet to keep her from performing in the play."

Everyone gasped at this revelation, and they all glared at Hildegard—except Amber and Clio, who were smiling nervously with her. The trio was in big trouble now.

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