Everything Is A-Okay

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Meanwhile, the other princesses were confronting Hildegard.

"Hildegard, this isn't any better than when you locked Sofia in that closet on the night of the school play Cinderella and the Beauty Within," Adara frowned.

"Sure, Amber and Clio were in on ruining Sofia's first attempt at starting that relationship with Hugo, but still," Zooey chimed in.

"Can't you just be happy for him and Sofia?" Vivian glared.

Hildegard didn't know what to say to make everyone lose this argument.

"Sofia looked forward to seeing Swan Lake with Hugo before the ballet was cancelled," Kari told Hildegard.

"Kari is right, and they were really disappointed when the ballet was cancelled," Lakshmi glared.

"Not only is Hugo Sofia's boyfriend, but playing Odette was a good way of helping her cope with having to cancel their date," Clio said. "Imagine you having a boyfriend and having to cancel a special date with him and then another girl trying to come between you."

Hildegard started to think about this. She couldn't imagine how Sofia felt about cancelling that date with Hugo—or having a jealous girl come between them. "You're right—I haven't been very good to Sofia and Hugo," she admitted.

"No kidding," Hugo's voice rang out.

Hugo, Axel, and Sofia came up, angry with Hildegard for what she did. Hildegard was a little scared to face them, but she knew they deserved an apology.

"Sofia, I am so sorry I tried to steal your spotlight, let alone Prince Hugo," Hildegard apologized. "I wasn't thinking about how you were feeling."

Sofia was hurt that Hildegard tried to make her look bad, but it could've been much worse. "Well, it wasn't any worse than when you locked me in that closet the original night of the school play Cinderella and the Beauty Within," she shrugged. "It's okay, Hildegard."

"And I'm especially sorry I hurt you, Prince Hugo," Hildegard apologized to Hugo.

"It's okay," Hugo sighed.

"Can we at least continue the show where we left off?" Hildegard asked.

Hugo and the other princesses liked the sound of that.

Hugo and the girls continued the show where they left off. During the ballroom scene, Sofia and Hugo did a beautiful duet, and after that, Hildegard did a dance that expressed Odile's sorrow at losing the prince to Odette. Hugo danced toward Hildegard and waved Sofia's wand at her and turned Hildegard's costume into a white tutu, making it look like he had cursed her into being one of Odette's cygnets. The other cygnets appeared and danced in the background as Hugo and Sofia did one last duet.

Once the dancers were finished, they stood before their audience and bowed, and the audience stood to their feet and clapped for the dancers.

After the show, Hildegard met up with Clio and Amber.

"I sure learned my lesson tonight," Hildegard smiled.

"I sure hope so—I don't want you trying to come between Sofia and Hugo again," Amber scolded her.

"Yes, Amber," Hildegard obeyed.

Meanwhile, Sofia and Hugo were with their families.

"Gosh, that's gotta be the best ballet I've ever seen," James smiled.

"Thanks, James," Sofia smiled.

"It was really fun," Hugo smiled.

"It may have been the only ballet I've ever seen, but it's still the best," Axel beamed, hugging his little brother.

"Thanks--it makes me wonder how the original ballet would've been," Hugo declared.

"Then you shouldn't wonder any longer," Garrick smiled. "I've been notified that the cast of Swan Lake has completely recovered from their flu."

"Already?" Sofia asked.

"Yes, so the ballet has been postponed to this Friday night," Garrick smiled.

Sofia and Hugo loved the sound of that. They couldn't wait to see the original Swan Lake for themselves.

That Friday night, Sofia and Hugo were at the theater, dressed in the same clothes they wore the night the ballet was originally scheduled.

The ballet started. Odette's tutu was beautiful, and her duet with the Prince was just gorgeous. Sofia liked how Odette became the Swan Queen, and it was very interesting how she was cursed.

The ballet went on beautifully, and Hugo and Sofia enjoyed it very much.

Once everyone left the theater, Sofia and Hugo climbed into their coach and rode back to his palace.

"That ballet was just beautiful," Sofia smiled.

"Indeed, but I still think the way we performed it was my favorite," Hugo smiled.

"Mine too," Sofia smiled. "Maybe we ought to do a ballet duet as Cinderella and her prince."

"You mean a ballet version of Cinderella and the Beauty Within?" Hugo asked.

"Indeed, wearing our costumes from the play," Sofia declared.

"I like the sound of that," Hugo smiled. "Wanna do it sometime tomorrow?"

"It's a date," Sofia smiled.

Sofia and Hugo learned a good lesson: when nothing goes the way they planned, it's best to look at the bright side and improvise.

Hildegard herself learned a lesson: it was time to let go of her jealousy of Sofia's relationship with Hugo and stop trying to come between them. She certainly didn't want to feel the same way she made Sofia and Hugo feel.

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