Sara Asks For Help

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At the HQ, Sara took the indigo tiger into the nursery—which looked like it was about to fall apart.

"Okay, Fuchsia," Sara smiled. "Just rest here, and I'll deliver those babies just like Daisy taught me."

The indigo tiger was confused and didn't understand what Sara meant.

Suddenly, Sara heard Sofia calling, "Sara!" She quickly ran outside to see the royals with Fuchsia and the Tigarrots.

"Sara, you took the wrong tiger," Sofia said.

"This is Fuchsia," Hugo added.

Sara was shocked at her mistake. Suddenly, there was a crash from inside, and everyone jumped to the side as the indigo tiger ran out and up a nearby tree, frightened by the noise. Everyone ran inside and saw that the nursery was a mess, which explained why the indigo tiger was so scared. Mr. Jackson and some of the other rescuers came and saw the mess in the nursery.

"What happened?" Mr. Jackson gasped.

Sara realized the mess she made, and she was really embarrassed. "I happened," she sighed. "Things started off okay when I was left to captain the rescue squad on my own—but then I messed everything up. I tried to take care of too much stuff at once. I never finished taking inventory, and I rushed to fix the nursery alone—and I took the wrong tiger to the HQ."

"You're being too hard on yourself, Sara," Axel assured her.

"He's right, honey," Mr. Jackson agreed. "Didn't you ask the other members of the rescue squad for help?"

"No, they offered to help me, but I refused," Sara admitted sheepishly. "I thought I could handle this on my own. Daisy makes working hard look so easy. I wish her parents let Sofia heal her injury—that way she'd be helping me now." She was very disappointed in herself for biting off more than she could chew.

But Mr. Jackson wasn't angry with Sara at all. "Sara, just because you're a captain, it doesn't mean you should handle everything by yourself," he said gently. "We all make mistakes. When Captain Stern was working here, he always asked for help when he needed it."

"Now that you mention it, I do remember him asking for help when he was working here," Sara recalled.

"And do you think Daisy would've asked for help if she were left to captain the rescue squad alone?" Mr. Jackson asked.

Sara thought about it—she knew that during Shuriki's reign, all Daisy did was work day and night since music and festivities were banned for 41 years. "She would have because all she did was work for most of her life," she said. "Asking for help would've stopped her from going back to workaholic mode—I'd hate to see her try to take care of all this stuff alone."

"My point exactly," Mr. Jackson smiled. "If you ever need help, you should ask someone—you know that."

Sara smiled at those words. "Can I ask for help now?" she asked.

"Of course," Mr. Jackson smiled. "You can even ask the royals to help."

"We'd be happy to help," Elena smiled.

All the other royals were more than happy to help Sara get all this work done.

"We can start by fixing the nursery," Hugo smiled.

But then Fuchsia started roaring in pain very loudly, and everyone knew that she was going into labor.

"There's not enough time to fix the nursery by hand," Johnathan frowned.

"Allow me," Grimtrix offered. He waved his staff and used a magic spell to fix the nursery up perfectly.

Fuchsia flew into the nursery and landed on a huge pillow, and Grimtrix removed the wings.

"Thank you," Sara smiled. She then turned to the workers and said, "Okay, folks, just like Daisy taught us!"

The workers entered the nursery and closed the door. The royals decided to wait outside until further notice.

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