So Much to Do

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Meanwhile, in the HQ, Sara was looking around her and Daisy's office for something important.

"Where did I put that clipboard?" Sara frowned. "I know it was in here somewhere." She looked all over the office for the clipboard, but she couldn't find it.

Suddenly, one of the members of the squad came in and asked, "Captain Sara, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Johnathan," Sara replied. "I just can't find that clipboard with the lists Daisy and I were supposed to cover."

"Where is Captain Daisy, anyway?" Johnathan asked.

"Didn't you hear? She fell down on the job, so she's going to be out for a few days," Sara replied. "Now if I can just find that clipboard, I'd get a head start on today's work."

"Have you looked on Captain Daisy's desk?" Johnathan asked.

Sara looked on Daisy's desk and saw the clipboard. "Of course," she chuckled. "Daisy said she put the clipboard on her desk."

"Well, what can we all do to help?" Johnathan asked.

"Thanks, but I'm sure I got it covered," Sara declined.

Johnathan was a little concerned. "Are you sure?" he asked.

"Sure, all Daisy did most of her life was work, and I worked alongside her since I was hired here," Sara declared. "Her level of working hard can't be that...hard."

"Well, okay," Johnathan shrugged. "Just let us know if you need a hand."

"Thanks," Sara waved. As soon as Johnathan was gone, she went over the list. "Okay, it looks like we're supposed to take inventory today." She went over to the supply room to take inventory—only to find that there were more supplies than she thought there were. "Whoa, I should ask the others for help." But she was sure she could handle this herself.

Meanwhile, the royals were walking around the park. Suddenly, they saw the Tigarrot, Garnet, with her three babies: Zinnia, Primrose, and Peony.

"What kind of tigers are those?" Grimtrix asked.

"Those are Tigarrots," Sofia replied. "They're half tiger and half parrot."

"And since Tigarrots are half bird, they lay eggs," Hugo said.

Suddenly, Hugo caught Peony's eye. "Hugo! Hugo!" she beamed. She flew over to Hugo and knocked him down.

"Oh, hi, Peony," giggled Hugo.

"Wow, that little one really likes you, boy," Grimtrix chuckled.

"Oh, it happened the day she and her sisters hatched," Hugo said. "When Daisy was out sick, I offered to look after the Tigarrot eggs, but then they hatched—and Peony thought I was her mother."

"The boy sure bit off more than he could chew," Garrick recalled.

"Speaking of which, I hope Sara isn't biting off more than she can chew," Sofia said.

At HQ, Sara was still taking inventory—and she was barely one quarter finished. "Oh, man—there's still a lot that needs to be done," she sighed. "Well, I guess the rest can wait until later. A lot of the other tasks need my attention." She checked the list again and saw that she needed to fix the nursery for some baby tigers that were to be born soon. She went to the nursery and saw that it was only one quarter prepared.

"I forgot—Daisy was working on this nursery before she fell down on the job," Sara sighed. "Well, the sooner I start this, the sooner I'll be done."

Sara worked on fixing the nursery, but it took her an hour to fix only half of it. Now the nursery was three quarters finished, but she managed to fix it all up. She then decided to continue taking inventory—but she felt like she forgot something. She continued taking inventory, and she was already half done with everything when another member of the rescue squad came.

"Captain Sara, when do you want me to bring Fuchsia in?" the member asked.

"Fuchsia? I didn't know we were having flowers coming, Nancy," Sara said, checking the agenda.

"Not fuchsia as in the flower—Fuchsia the tiger," Nancy told her. "Remember? She's having a baby, and she's due today."

That's when Sara realized, "Oh, yeah—I completely forgot! I was so busy trying to take care of all this after Daisy fell down on the job that I didn't even think about Fuchsia. I'll get her!" She dashed right out to find Fuchsia.

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