The Apology

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Later, Hildegard and Clio came over, and Amber told them that they were exposed of what happened to Electra. Sofia used her Looking Back mirror to prove their guilt. Hugo was furious.

"How could you tie-dye Electra, then try to hide it from me?" Hugo growled.

"We just wanted to see what those things could do," Hildegard declared. "We didn't know they were tie-dyes."

"Maybe you should've asked me what they were in the first place," Hugo snarked. "Besides, I left instructions there, and they clearly said that tie-dyes could stain—and you stained my horse. She had already had four baths, and the paint won't come off."

"We're sorry, Prince Hugo," Clio sighed.

"Well, I may as well hear from the vet very soon," Hugo declared.

A little later, Sofia was still angry with Amber for stealing her amulet and hiding it. Hugo was also angry with Amber for that since it made his bed lumpy enough to rob him of sleep last night. The reason Sofia and Hugo never brought this up was because Hildegard and Clio would find out about the Amulet. Hildegard found out the Amulet before and got jealous to the point where she stole it from Sofia, and so the Amulet cursed her by bringing Prisma (an evil Crystalmaster) to the Ever Realm. When the Amulet took the curse off Hildegard, she couldn't remember anything, including the secret of Sofia's amulet.

When Amber was alone with Sofia and Hugo, she said, "Sofia, I'm so sorry I stole your amulet. I didn't want Electra to tell you that the girls and I tie-dyed her, and you would've told Hugo." She turned to Hugo and said, "I'm sorry I hid the Amulet under your mattress and made it hard for you to sleep."

Sofia and Hugo were pretty upset, but they couldn't stay angry with Amber any longer. The trio went to join their friends.

"It's okay, Amber," Sofia declared.

"Yeah, you just made a mistake," Hugo said.

"But I wouldn't have made that mistake if we hadn't made that other one on Electra," Amber pointed out.

"No, and this is one mistake we can't fix," Hugo frowned. "We're going to have to hear from the vet. I did some research on horses, and horses can have allergies to certain products, like paint. I hope Electra hasn't had an allergic reaction to that tie-dye just yet."

At Hugo's palace, the vet looked over Electra carefully. "Well, the good news is there's no paint on her skin, and she's not suffering an allergic reaction," the vet revealed. "But the bad news is there's no way to remove it from her hair—the tie-dyed has stained her. You do have a bit of a dilemma."

"What would that be?" Hugo asked.

"You can either wait until her hair grows out or remove the tie-dyed hair—that would leave a huge bald spot," the vet told him. "If I were you, I'd go for the first choice."

"Seeing the tie-dyed part of her body, I'd go for that," Hugo frowned. "I'm sorry, Electra. I guess I won't be riding with you for a while—I can't let you go out in public like this. I'd better do some more research."

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