Home Where We Belong

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Throughout the two weeks, Amelia, Yvette, Rocio, and Cecelia hung around with Sara, Daisy, and their friends. In the process, Amelia, Cecelia, Rocio, and Yvette had been maturing and working around the city, helping clean up from the earthquake.

Time went by so fast, and it was almost time for Sara, Daisy, their families, and the royals of Enchancia and Albuquerque to head home.

"I'm so glad we took the time to come to Avalor and help Daisy take her parents here," Hugo smiled.

"And I think Daisy is happy, too," Sofia smiled back. "Not only did she and her parents get to come home, but she helped her old friends see how to make changes happen."

Daisy and Sara were with Amelia, Cecelia, Yvette, and Rocio since tomorrow, Sara and Daisy will be leaving for their residences.

"I can't believe you're leaving tomorrow," Cecelia said.

"If only Avalor was closer to Albuquerque and Enchancia," Sara remarked.

"Too bad we can't make that happen," Daisy chuckled.

"It doesn't matter if we can't that happen as long as we're friends and accept things for the way they are," Amelia said.

Sara and Daisy were sad to leave tomorrow, but they were happy to make this trip happen. They each even got new necklaces. Sara received an amethyst purple necklace from Elena, and Daisy got a ruby pink necklace from her grandmother.

The very next morning, Elena, her family, Amelia, Rocio, Cecelia, and Yvette joined together to bid farewell to Sara, Daisy, their families, and the royals of Enchancia and Albuquerque. It made them sad to see them go, but it's for the best.

As the galleon sailed across the sea, Jesus told Garrick, "King Garrick, we want to thank you again for taking us to Avalor."

"No problem, my good man," Garrick smiled. "We're just happy to help you return home."

"And keep Daisy out of the hospital," Axel added.

It took a long time, but the group returned to Albuquerque Palace, where they started.

Sara, her guardians, and Sofia's family returned to Enchancia while Daisy and her parents returned to their house.

"That was some trip," Daisy remarked.

"You had fun, mijita?" Magda asked.

"I sure did," Daisy smiled. "I'm glad we took the time to do this."

"When you go back to work, I hope you're not going back to being a workaholic," Jesus chided her.

"I won't, Papá," Daisy promised.

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