Not for your ears, Amber

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In the library, Amber met up with Sofia. "Hi, Sofia," she said. "You've been spending a lot of time with Prince Axel lately."

"He asked me to help him with something important," Sofia answered.

"Are you hiding something from me?" Amber asked.

"No, but it's a very special and important secret Axel trusted me with," Sofia replied.

"Well, I just want to know," Amber declared. "If it's not something you're hiding from me, why won't you tell me what it is?"

"Because I promised Axel I would never tell anyone, especially Hugo because it's a special surprise," Sofia replied.

"Well, why won't you tell me?" Amber asked.

"It's not my secret to share with anyone," Sofia replied.

"I just want to know, Sofia," Amber protested. "You're my sister."

"That doesn't make it okay for me to tell you the secret, Amber," Sofia frowned.

"You can trust me, Sofia," Amber protested. "I promise I won't ever tell Hugo."

"No, Amber, nobody is allowed to know about it, especially Hugo," Sofia frowned.

Amber didn't understand why Sofia wouldn't trust her, and Sofia didn't understand why Amber wanted her trust so badly—and Amber didn't even deserve her trust. 

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