The Whole Truth

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That Saturday, Sofia was dressed in her dark blue ice-dancing dress. Miranda was ready to take Sofia to Albuquerque Palace, and Amber and Hildegard were ready to accompany them.

"Mother, would it be all right if we come along?" Amber asked.

"If you want to come with us, you can," Miranda declared. "But Sofia, Axel, and Hugo will all be out."

"That's okay," Hildegard shrugged.

Miranda and the princesses were ready to go to Albuquerque Palace. They got into a flying coach and flew off to Albuquerque.

At the palace, Axel was waiting for Sofia.

"Are you ready to surprise Hugo?" Sofia asked.

"More than ready," Axel smiled.

"We'll tell Hugo to see you in the parlor," Garrick declared.

Sofia and Axel went to the parlor. Amber and Hildegard were ready to execute their plan.

Amber and Hildegard grabbed the garden hose and dragged it into the palace. When they reached the parlor, Sofia and Axel were excitedly waiting for Hugo. Sofia had the special gift she and Axel made for Hugo. Amber stuck the hose into the entrance and started spraying Sofia and Axel.

"What's happening?" Axel cried.

"Turn that off!" Sofia yelped.

Amber and Hildegard kept spraying Sofia and Axel. Before they knew it, Miranda, Garrick, and Queen Samira came along with Hugo.

"Amber! Hildegard! What's going on?" Miranda gasped.

Amber and Hildegard were horrified to see that they'd been caught spraying water into the parlor, so they stopped spraying.

Garrick opened the parlor doors and yelled, "Oh, my goodness!"

The whole parlor was drenched with water, and Sofia and Axel were soaking wet.

"What happened?" Hugo asked.

"Amber, Hildegard, did you do this on purpose?" Miranda frowned.

"We had to do it, Mother," Amber protested.

"Yeah, it was the only way to stop Sofia and Prince Axel," Hildegard chimed in.

"From giving this to Hugo?" Sofia glared. "I hope you didn't ruin it."

Amber and Hildegard were flabbergasted. The gift Sofia was making was really for Hugo. Hugo unwrapped the present, and inside was the tuxedo Sofia and Axel made.

"Wow, it's beautiful," Hugo gazed.

"We made it for you," Axel smiled. "I've got a very special surprise for you. Remember Lady Cadence?"

"Yes," Hugo nodded.

"Well, a few weeks ago, I secretly entered you in an ice-dancing contest," Axel revealed. "Lady Cadence is the judge of the contest, and I got you to perform a little ice-dancing routine for her—and you won first prize."

"Really?" Hugo gaped.

Amber and Hildegard couldn't believe it. They thought Sofia and Axel were in love, but Sofia was really helping Axel prepare something special for Hugo.

"Yeah, and you won free tickets to an ice-dancing show that's happening at 5," Axel smiled. "You and Sofia are even invited to perform!"

Hugo couldn't believe it. "You can't be serious!" he gaped.

"I am," Axel smiled. "You can save the hug for later—I'm all wet."

Amber and Hildegard couldn't believe that Axel and Sofia were taking Hugo to an ice-dancing show. Now they knew why Sofia was all dressed up and acting secretive.

"Thank you," Hugo smiled. Then he turned to Amber and Hildegard and smirked, "Well, this certainly proves you wrong."

"About what?" Sofia asked.

"Amber and Hildegard told me that there was a spark between you because you've been spending a lot of time together," Hugo revealed.

"What?" Sofia and Axel gasped.

Amber and Hildegard had never been so embarrassed in their lives. They didn't know why they thought Sofia was in love with Axel.

"Why did you think I was in love with Axel?" Sofia asked.

"Because we heard you talking," Amber revealed.

"Heard us talking?" Axel frowned.

"Yeah, you were busy spending time with Sofia, and we wondered what was going on, so we listened to everything you said," Hildegard revealed.

Sofia and Axel were horrified to hear this—and so were Hugo and their parents.

"So you've been spying on us?" Sofia growled.

"No, I wouldn't call it spying," Hildegard declared.

"We were just listening to your conversation," Amber added.

"Listening to a conversation is called eavesdropping, and it's also called spying," Hugo frowned. "You've been spying on Sofia and Axel."

"Your snooping could've ruined our surprise," Axel frowned.

"Not only did you spy on us and almost ruin our surprise for Hugo, but you jumped to conclusions before knowing all the facts," Sofia glared.

"Amber, I'm very disappointed in you," Miranda glared. "You've sprayed Sofia and Axel and drenched the parlor. I brought you and Princess Hildegard here to support Sofia and Hugo, not to get her and Prince Axel in trouble for doing something good."

"Perhaps Amber and Hildegard would like to make up for this mess by cleaning up the parlor," Sofia glared.

"I like that idea, Princess Sofia," Garrick grinned. "Well, Axel, while you change clothes, I'm going to help Hugo get cleaned up for the show."

"And I'll help Sofia get a new dress to wear," Samira volunteered.

"And I believe Amber and Hildegard deserve a talking-to," Miranda declared.

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