Save the Day

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Meanwhile, Hugo made it to Royal Prep and landed near the stables. "That was close," he sighed.

Sofia's brother and sister, Amber and James, ran over with the other princes and princesses with them.

"Hugo, are you okay?" James asked. "Where's Sofia?"

"Still locked up in the stables at the Junior Knights Academy," Hugo sighed. "I tried to save her, but Vaughan and Vance almost grabbed me, and I got away before they could catch me."

The princes and princesses were relieved that Hugo was okay.

"Well, that's a relief," Derek remarked. "At least you're all right, Hugo."

"Who cares?" Hugo frowned. "I totally chickened out. I couldn't save Sofia because I was almost kidnapped. I don't blame Sofia for being mad at me. I wish there was something I could do."

Suddenly, an arrow shot a nearby tree, startling Hugo. He turned around and saw Merida right in front of him.

"Have I got your attention?" Merida smiled.

"Merida?" Hugo gasped.

"Princess Merida?" the other royals echoed.

"Merida, what are you doing here at Royal Prep?" Hugo asked.

"Sofia told me what happened, and she sent me here to help you, Prince Hugo," Merida replied.

"Well, I don't see how you can help unless you know how to get Sofia out of the stable—or at least someone else who can save her," Hugo told her.

"Oh, you don't need someone else to get Sofia out of that stable," Merida smiled. "You're the one who volunteered to perform this deed. You're just searching for the wrong thing in the wrong place. What you need can only be found within you."

"What's that?" Hugo asked.

"The belief that you can save her yourself," Merida replied.

But Hugo really wasn't sure. "That's just it?" he frowned. "Saving my dad and brother from the Sapphire Snake is one thing, but how can I save a little girl from two Junior Knights?"

Hugo felt so bad that he started to sing very sadly.

Even though I've just begun,

I just can't get this mission done

How can I aim so high when I've let down everyone?

Now I feel like I'm a fake

I've really made a big mistake

I don't know how to save my best friend when I don't have what it takes

Oh, can I lead the way

And make everything okay?

Just how am I supposed to save the day?

And what is there to say

When my chance has flown away?

Why'd I think that I could be the one to save the day?

Everyone felt very bad for Hugo, but Merida knew how to help him.

"You can sing all you want about your doubts, my boy," Merida told Hugo. "We all have them, but you also have the power to clean those doubts away."

Merida handed Hugo her bow and an arrow and told him, "If you believe in yourself and what you can do, just stand up tall and your aim will always be true."

Hugo carefully aimed the arrow and shot it toward the tree, and the arrow split right through Merida's.

"You can save Sofia, and you know it," Merida said.

"Yeah, you're right," Hugo agreed. He looked at Merida's archery equipment and had an idea. "And I know what to do," he smiled.

Hugo asked Sir Gilliam if he still had the very sharp arrows that could break any strong metal. Sir Gilliam gave Hugo the sharp arrows, and he gave the young prince special gloves to protect his hands and arms.

"Ah, a nice young archer to the rescue," Merida smiled.

"Hugo, do you really think this archery equipment can help you save Sofia?" Amber asked.

"Yes, I do," Hugo smiled. He then continued his song.

I believe this equipment can help me do it

And I know that I can save her if I put my heart into it!

Oh, I can lead the way

And make everything okay

I'm the one who has the save the day!

And all that's left to say is,

"I'm on my way!"

Because I know that I can be the one to save the day!

Save the day!

Save the day!

Hugo hopped on Electra and took off with Minimus beside them back to the Junior Knights Academy. Merida and the young royals watched Hugo fly away to the rescue. 

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