A Surprise for Sofia

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Princess Sofia was really excited because tomorrow is her 10th birthday. She didn't really want to have a birthday party because she just wanted to have a good time with her friends—but her big sister, Amber, felt like she knew her better and wanted to host her a surprise party.

"I can't wait to see Sofia's face when she sees our surprise tomorrow," said Amber.

Suddenly, James warned, "She's coming!"

Amber and James both acted like nothing was going on as soon as Sofia came.

"Hi, Sofia," said James.

"Hey, guys, what's new?" Sofia asked.

"Nothing," James and Amber said together.

Sofia wasn't sure what her big brother and sister were doing, but she just replied awkwardly, "Okay." Then she left Amber and James alone.

Amber and James were relieved that Sofia wasn't suspicious.

"What do you say we go and see how Hugo is doing?" James asked.

"Yeah, and that way, Sofia couldn't walk in on us while we're talking about the party," Amber agreed.

"Okay," James said.

While Sofia was out in the village, Amber and James took a coach to Prince Hugo's palace in Albuquerque. Hugo was going to help out with Sofia's surprise party.

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