Decision Made

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Hugo dumped the smelly mixture, went to his room, and looked at the music box he made for Sofia.

"What's up, baby bro?" Axel asked.

"Oh, not very much," Hugo sighed. "We tried lots of ideas for my gift for Sofia, but none of them are what we expected."

"Well, why don't you just give her the music box you made her?" Axel suggested.

"That little thing?" Amber asked. "Everyone else is giving her a big, fancy gift. I know you can give her a gift that's perfect."

Hugo had had enough of Amber's bossiness. "Amber, it doesn't matter if everyone else is giving Sofia something fancy for her birthday," he frowned. "This music box was my first idea, and it took me two long months to make it. I'm giving it to her."

Amber was unhappy with Hugo. "Hugo is right, Amber," James pointed out. "We need to let him make his own decision."

"Fine, if you want to give Sofia that music box, go right ahead, Hugo," Amber scoffed.

Hugo was relieved that he was going to finally give Sofia the music box, and now he just needed to wrap it up. When James and Amber left, Hugo carefully wrapped up the music box. He really hoped Sofia would like his gift.

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