Past Changes

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The next day at Royal Prep, Sofia and her friends were thinking about graduating. She and Hugo were walking through the hall when they noticed a painting of the Flying Crown. Seeing this painting made them think about the flying derby championship race. They won the Flying Crown for Royal Prep for the first time in around a century—and that was the day they became best friends.

"Seeing this painting makes me think of the day we won the Flying Crown for Royal Prep," Sofia smiled.

"Me, too," Hugo smiled. "Thanks to you, Sofie, things in my family are different now."

"How so?" Sofia asked.

"After you and I won the Flying Crown, my family finally realized how pushy they'd been to me, and that's when they started taking it easy on me," Hugo revealed. "Then after they learned about my ice-dancing, Dad decided to let me and Axel do whatever we want as long as it makes us happy."

"That's great," Sofia smiled.

Meanwhile, Hildegard and Clio were roaming the hall when they saw a poster of a play the school performed long ago called Hello Polly. Clio was the lead in this play, and it was the best one she had performed in.

"That was the best play I ever performed in," Clio smiled. "I remember when you told me not to do it, Hildy."

"And I remember refusing to let you do anything you wanted prior to that," Hildegard recalled.

"But Sofia helped me see that I should do whatever I wanted, not just you," Clio reminisced.

"At the same time, Amber taught me to put your needs first," Hildegard chimed in.

Hildegard and Clio remembered doing everything Hildegard wanted and wouldn't let Clio do what she wanted. Sofia helped Clio learn to put her own desires first and that she shouldn't have to choose between friends and doing something she loved. Hildegard didn't understand why Clio wanted to something like this, and the former was so angry that their friendship was broken. Amber helped Hildegard see that friends are more important than always getting what she wants.

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